Monday, November 26, 2007

As Lee Corso Would Say.... Not So Fast , My Friend !!

I Don't Get to Paint the Cars...... at least not yet.

Today's life lesson. Not everything in life is guaranteed. It's nice to know that I can figure these things out after 39 years!! No, I'm not working Butler yet. The service manager didn't get a chance to talk to the owner, so I just went down to Hilton Head and kept busting my ass at Matt's bodyshop. At least I'm working.

I might get the call tomorrow, maybe not. At the rate these guys are procrastinating, it may be years end before I get hired. I got up at 6AM to get to Beaufort on time, so I'm a little cranky from a lot of work and no sleep - damned cat!

Like I said, nothing in life is guaranteed - or easy for that matter. Just because something is important to you, that doesn't mean it matters to anyone else. Work, love, blogging, politics - it's all the same. I've never been a patient guy, so this stuff drives me crazy.

The good news is I worked real hard today, so my biceps are nice and pumped, and I've definitely lost a few pounds since I started here. So, I'll keep scuffing and taping and prepping fenders and bumpers, and wait for them to call - at least until Wednesday !


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