Sunday, November 25, 2007

Rudy Giuliani on Global Competitiveness....

I don't have much to blog on today, unless I want to bitch about the Giants losing (THREE interception returns for TD's?)... Instead, I've had this clip of Rudy speaking on the US in the Global Marketplace.. Not the most exciting stuff , unless real issues matter to you.

Just to note a couple things: Rudy is not referring to notes, he is speaking extemperaneously. He is not speaking in sound bites, but in regular sentences in plain speak about the issues. The man knows what he is talking about. Lastly, Rudy has been a busy beaver. I think he had been to 93 countries since he ended his term as Mayor - that's more than a country a month. Wow!!



  1. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Mike an optimist would point out that Manning did throw four TD passes...

  2. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Going Tiger on us are you Mike?

  3. Anonymous6:01 PM

    go rudy
