Monday, January 21, 2008

Breaking News: Clyburn to Endorse Obama After Debate..

It's not often that we here at SC6 have a story that no one else does, but it happens every once in a Blue Moon. Word is that once the South Carolina Democratic debate that Jim Clyburn has been credited with is over, Clyburn will finally break his silence and endorse Barack Obama, most likely on Thursday, when the endorsement will have it maximum impact.
Clyburn promised that he would not endorse a candidate, for fear that it would tilt the Primary results - not that it's ever worked before. However, his promise was that he would stay out of it until Iowa was over, and judging by the calendar, that's over. While endorsing Obama might seem like the less prudent thing to do, he has his reasons...
Like we've been saying for probably two years now, Old Jim wants to be Transportation Secretary, and he's been hanging South Carolina out like a carrot since he picked John Kerry in 2004. Based on the odds of winning the nomination, one would think that he would endorse Hillary Clinton, but there are reasons he isn't.
First off, Clinton is likely the present, but Obama is unoubtedly the future of the Democratic Party. He might not win this year, but there is still a chance, and he will no doubt win South Carolina. Clyburn is not stupid. He will position himself with the future of the party, and take credit for winning SC.
Now for the more contraversial reason for the Obama choice. Clinton is not interested in giving Clyburn a cabinet position. Clyburn has left Clinton hanging for six months now, and as her numbers have slipped, his support has slipped. The Clinton gang rewards loyalty, and Cly has shown himself to be untrustworthy to Hillary. He might have been able to deliver South Carolina, but it wasn't guaranteed, he stayed away, Clinton will finish second, and you don't give Cabinet positions to guys who let you finish second. Lastly, and this is a fact - the Clintons don't put minorities in the Cabinet. President Bush has more minorities in his Cabinet than Clinton had.
Clyburn put himself in a tough corner with this one, but he played the polls as usual, and he likely will be shut out , since Clinton is still ahead nationally, and she will likely win. Such is the life of gutless politicians. I can't say where I got this information from, but the word is that Clyburn will let the debate go on, kiss both Obama and Clinton's tushies, then endorse Obama on Thursday for it's best effect....


  1. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Why do I have a vision of Jim pulling one of Redd Foxx's bits on Slick and his Willy? Can Jim make Monica's ex boyfriend say the "N" word? How about the "F" word or the "S" word, so that the fat white boy is seen as the racist cracker he is? Particularly before Super Tuesday.

  2. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I also note that the 6th's crossover might well have gone to McCain, though Romney has thde funds for skreet money, jus no feet on the skreet.

  3. Anonymous9:03 PM

    clyburn sucks either way

  4. Anonymous12:19 AM

    hehee...If he endorse Billary, I bet you would have praised him! Sad!

  5. No shot in hell of that. ;)

  6. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Clinton strategy of conceed SC and make it a race issue makes Clyburn endorsement moot point beyond painting Jim into a vast conspiracy of right wing black racists that hate the idea of a strong woman being in charge.

    Given the martiarchy of blakc society, that dog ain't gonna hunt anymore than the poodle from Massachussetts, Kerry did.
