Monday, January 21, 2008

Is Hugo Chavez a Cokehead ??

Anyone Who Has a Parrot With a Matching Beret Must Be on Drugs...

Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez finally has an excuse for his wacky behavior.. In an interview, he recently admitted that he chews on Coca leaves on a daily basis. Sure sounds like a "I smoked, but I didn't inhale" moment, doesn't it?

I'm not 100% familiar with the whole processing of Cocaine, but it sounds to me like chewing on Coca leaves is like getting your Coke straight from the source... Dealing with a dictator that is regularly high as a kite might be a difficult act, because you never can trust a cokehead. First, they borrow money from you, then they don't pay it back. Then they steal your credit cards. Lastly, stuff from your house starts missing and ends up at the pawn shop!! I'm just saying...........

Sound like anyone else you know????


  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    a lot of peasants in south american countries chew the leaves. that is what hugo was before his rise to power a peasant.

  2. Anonymous12:41 PM

    ditto moye's notes, though that tends to be more the Andean Indians that chew the coca leaves than a flatlander like Hugo. They do get a buzz from it, as I recall being taught in sixth grade social studies last century, by inference it was to toot as beer is to Everclear and socially acceptable.

    Like Scarface though, the power has gone to his head and one of his lieutenants will pop him for screwing him over in a deal. Forutnately, the Cuban and Iranian hirelings also probably mostly go down in the blood bath than follows, perhaps with a bit of "Company" help. Hugo has cut into Al Gore's petroleum portfolio, I suspect.
