Monday, January 28, 2008

Hitler Was Right !!

Pseudo Story on Clyburn Endorsement Get National Attention....
One of Adolf Hitler's most famous quotes is 'The bigger the lie, the more people are to believe it." That and "My name is Humpty, I like my oatmeal lumpy." - or something to that effect. Last week, SC6 proved that it is entirely true....
I put up a completely ludicrous post stating that I got 'inside info' that Jim Clyburn would endorse Barack Obama on the eve of the primary, in exchange for a Cabinet position if Obama won the Presidency. I thought it was silly enough that everyone reading it would know that it isn't possible. I have no connections with the Democratic Party whatsoever, so how the hell would I 'know' such a guarded secret. But, I also knew that the more outrageous the claim was, the more exposure it would get......... And I was RIGHT !!
Yep, yours truly made the New York Friggin' Times last Tuesday!! In a blogger review article, only three blogs got mentioned - Brad Warthen, a legitimate newpaper guy, Adam Fogle's (Isn't that the Subway Guy - wait that's Jared Fogle) Palmetto Scoop - a paid McCain guy, and little old me. That's pretty good company, and I'm stunned to be in there.... That's not all.. My Jerry Seinfeld/Eli Manning post also made something called Boxxet, and the Mike Huckabee/ Campbell Soup Chef gets replies from across America. Not bad for a guy who finally started a job today!!
Want proof? Here's the article - just scroll down a bit...
I worry a lot that SC6 is a blog that relies more on quantity, and not quality... that it makes up for good reading by being stupid, and having a lot to talk about. Maybe that is it's niche - it stays fresh, unpredictable, funny, and - as an anonymous poster once said - "sometimes, I find it genuinely informative." I'll take it. We're quickly getting to Post Number 1000. WOW ! Thanks for reading this piece of junk, and we'll keep trying to make it interesting..

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