Monday, January 28, 2008

Sometimes Being Indepenent Sucks - Ask Florida.

We Americans value independence. But we also value having the guts to stand for something - anything. With that in mind, we now are starting to get into the part of the Primary Season where not everyone can vote. Just ask my sister......
I got an e-mail from Mike Huckabee's camp, asking me to call five people I know in Florida and ask them to vote for him . So, of course, I e-mailed five people and asked them to vote for Rudy. One of them was my sister Monica.
The problem is that Monica is one of those 'Independent Voters', and they are not allowed , so she'll be sitting out the primary tomorrow. The thing is, there area lot of those people out there, and it might have an effect in such a close race. On the surface, one would think that the independents would be going towards John McCain and Rudy Giuliani. It may not make a difference to Rudy, who is struggling to finish third, but it could cost McCain 57 delegates.
Those are the rules, and if you don't have the guts to pick a party, you don't get invited to the party, right?? Will it cost McCain a win? I'm guessing McCain , who got endorsements from about EVERY elected official in Florida, will win a squeaker over Mitt Romney - but I haven't asked Moye yet. What say you guys??


  1. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Well Mikey, how about e-mailing five likely Democrat voters in Florida and asking them to write in McCain? Just think, if enough folks just believed, we could have the first presidential candidate nominated by both parties...

    Wanna make the NY Slimes again???

  2. I'm still trying to come up with my next propaganda item....

  3. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I sent you the answer very long at the Charlotte airport and for some reason not posted. Anyway I am in Florida and was last week helping out taking some down time and I really believe Rudy has blown it. In the Panhandle nothing but Romney signs. McCain endorsed by almost all GOP leaders. A huge pre primary absentee vote for sure over a million. I believe Romney, McCain and Rudy. Could be Rudy is done before he starts but remember he would make a good VP.

  4. Moye, you may be right again - McCain had a four pt lead early on, but as the Panhandle votes come in, Romney is closing fast. I should NEVER doubt you !!

  5. Anonymous9:57 PM

    its over mccain wins fl and will be the nominee
