Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Blogging: A Ticket Straight to the Pokey?

This Is Where Picking On Jim Clyburn Will Get You....
Yes, we all love the blog... But, for all the joy I bring the world, is there a real risk I'm taking by doing this? Maybe more than you think. For as little respect we bloggers get in America, in other countries, we are the Che Guevara's of the new millenium.......
Yep, according to a recent check, as many as 64 people have been jailed for the simple act of blogging. Yep, blogging. In places like Iran and China - those hotbeds of personal liberty and freedom - bloggers are considered a pariah. They are thought of as troublemakers, insurgents and just palin bad people. As far as I know, no one has been executed, but give them enough time, and I'm sure someone will be found on the end of a rope for posting about Ahmadinejad's poor taste in clothes, or his monkey cheeks. ARRRGGHHHH !! Just kidding.
Fortunately, in America, we are more protected. Of course, who you attack and what you say will determine. So, while I can say 'Jim Clyburn is a crook', it's OK - it's my opinion. But, if I said "Jim Clyburn molests puppies" or "Jim Clyburn has a raging case of crotch rot", that might be a problem. Of course, Jim can go on the floor of the House and say "Mike Reino regularly goes to Thailand to sleep with little boys", and he's fine, thanks to Congressional protection. Lucky bastard.....
So, as Katherine Jenerette called me, I might truly be a "Bad Boy Blogger".... Hey, if it makes me looks good to the ladies, I'll take it. But, remember..... every Bad Boy ends up in the gutter !!


  1. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Alien and sedition acts come to mind. Yes, they were unconstitutional, but so is the "fairness doctorine", not legislatively emplaced, but arbitrarily placed by the FCC.

    Alas the web is a bit too large for scoundrels to be comfortable with, particularly despots. Check out the "samisdat press" that helped "bring down that wall, Mr. Gorbachev."

    Voice of the martyrs reflects those facing the same suppression for being Christian.

    Perhaps Mike, (bear with me, been reading The Book of Revelation again) the end times are coming and teh judgement seat awaits.

  2. Anonymous5:58 PM

    i was standing right with you when she called you that bad boy thing

  3. Anonymous7:20 PM

    u got a purty mouf fo a whtie bwa

  4. mike you're sick.. I know that I tell you that quite frequently. I just wanted to say it again...
