Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Michelle Obama's An Angry Black Woman? Must Be a Slow News Week....

Mrs. Obama........ In a Less Angry Mood.

Welcome folks, to the dog days of June & July - or as we call it in politics, The Dead Zone. The primaries are over, the candidates are decided, but we're not quite up to the conventions and choosing VP candidates. There's not a lot going on, and the networks are scrounging for news........ ANY NEWS.

When the top news story of the week is whether Michelle Obama is an angry black woman, we have really scraped the bottom of the barrel. You might not believe it, but some people get truly angry over dumb stuff like this. Charles at work was complaining that Fox News are a bunch of racists. Well, maybe you shouldn't call Barack Obama "Mrs. Obama's Baby Daddy".....

Like most things in life, it needs to be taken with a grain of salt, and some discretion. Sometimes I have slow blog days - today sure seems to be one - and I'll stir up the shit storm just to make it interesting. As far as politics go, the slow news day will probably be another six weeks. Be prepared for lots of bad journalism. My advice is to watch lots of baseball, VH1 Classic and read SC6....



  1. Anonymous11:13 PM

    BHO looks to be on the make as much as Captain Kirk...

  2. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Remember the matriarchal society of some minorities.

    who rules the roost
