Thursday, July 17, 2008

Can You Find A Correlation With These Stolen Car Statistics ??

Last week, we gave you the stats on the most stolen cars in America. Now, we have some more numbers for you. Today, we have the cities with the highest stolen car rates. On the surface, you might not think much of them, but when examined a little further, there is an undeniable fact.... What is it? Read On....
There is no doubt about it - California is the King of Car Theft. Led by Modesto, Calihas four of the Top Five cities on the NCIB Stolen Car List. The only city not in California in the Top Five was Las Vegas. Aside from the obvious - California sucks - the fact is that all of the worst offending cities are near the Mexican border. Yep, it appears that not all of those immigrants who jump over our border are honest, hardworking citizens. Some of them steal cars - lots of cars.
Like the article last week. The reason cars are stolen are for parts. Mexico makes for a wonderful part of the equation. With literally no law enforcement on the other side of the border, Mexican chop shops are running full bore, taking those stolen Hondas and Toyotas, and parting them out. So, what have we learned? If you own a 95 Honda Civic in Modesto, California, you might as well just give the car away........
If you want to prevent this, you can buy a Lo-Jack from my buddy Joel.... Another free plug.