Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A Second Stimulus Package ?

Is Congress Getting Ready to Light Up Another Fattie??
According to an AP article today, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is getting ready to push through a second round of economic stimulus - but it may be very tough to pass this time.
Now, we all know that I wasn't a big fan of the first round - although I did put the cash to good use on a set of tires for the Avalon. But at least it was a check for everybody. The second round is not going to be so fair. According to reports, Democrats are focusing on heating and AC subsidies for the poor, food stamp payments, state aid, and the dreaded infrastructure projects - AKA, pork. You didn't actually think that Congress would pass a bill without bobtailing some local bacon, did you?
This really is unnecessary right now. The focus in Congress needs to be on energy and gas prices. Everything else will take care of itself when we get a hold of that, but it is an election year, and the Democrats will spare no expense to buy votes this year.....
But fear not, fans of economic restraint..... It doesn't look like this package will see the light of day. One of the biggest roadblocks to this is none other than Harry Reid. Said Dingy Harry, "The first thing we need to look at before we look at tax rebates is, what can we do to stimulate the economy. That infrastructure development. That's bridges, highways, dams." Granted, it's not a glittering rebuff, but Reid seems hellbent on legislating pork before legislating another giveaway.
Even if it does pass the House and Senate, expect a pretty quick veto from George Bush. Bush wants the first round a little more time to work it's magic - or lack thereof - before making the deficit even worse. By the time that comes around, we will likely have President McCain or Obama in office. It gives you an idea of the lack of focus going on in Washington DC. To quote a famous line.... It's Oil Prices , Stupid. Now get back to work, you bunch of Morons....


  1. Anonymous12:31 AM

    i'm tired of working every day to pay for somebody's damn food stamps. they need to get their slack asses to work!

  2. Anonymous12:09 PM

    San Fran Nan is still laundering the $$$ through DC feeding thousands of unionized government "workers"...

    Mr Economist, Mikey, how much more would we keep in our pockets IF it weren't taken out in the first place to be used as street money to buy votes?

  3. Mike - whatcha smokin' there?

  4. Smokin' Cash - just like Congress...

  5. Anonymous7:28 PM

    like the bill that just passed to spend all that money on other countries to control aids etc and we are going to pay for that get real democrats
