Sunday, July 13, 2008

Deluded RNC Thinks They Will Outraise Obama...

Is That $5 or $500 You Need, Mr. Senator ??
We here at SC6 like to tell things the way there are, without a lot of BS, and we like to hear it that way too. If things were told to voters in this fashion, then we might believe half of what we hear from politicians say.....
Need more proof that campaigns aren't willing to admit anything that makes them look weaker? Listen to Rick Davis. Davis is head of John McCain's campaign, and in a conference call with reporters, he can't seem to grasp that they will be outspent by Barack Obama in 2008. Davis said Team McCain and the RNC have about $95 million on hand right now, and combined with the $84.1 million McCain will get by opting for public financing, they expect to have about $212 million total.
While it is a decent sum, the RNC is kidding themselves if they think that they will have more cash on hand than Obama. True, the RNC is outraising the DNC by a mile, but Obama's millions of private donors, most of whom have not nearly maxed out their donations, will easily raise that much and more....
Does the McCain team have to ouraise Obama to win? No. Republicans have always done a better job of recruiting free employees to work, where Democrats seem to need the financial incentive to get out. Even then, Obama will have as many freebies as any Democrat ever has. And what about the rest of the Republican slate of candidates? Will there be any money left to give McCain any fellow Republicans if he makes it to the White House?
To admit that you will be outspent isn't a sin in politics - or is it? McCain might even raise more money by saying that he will be outspent. After all, it worked for Hillary, right? Obama is already airing commercials in Georgia to coincide with the recent Primary elections, while McCain was silent. Not a problem, but a little facing of facts would do them well.......


  1. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Give as hard as you can till it hurts

  2. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Obama's crew has tapped the five and ten and 25 dollar donors and and in greater nuymbers than the money laundry donors that drew $1000.00 apiece from oriental wait staff in California's oriental resturant community... perhaps 10% of their reported salary that bouyed unspecified Clinton's campaigns.

    Incite the masses to a point and tell them their widow's mites count in "change they can believe in"... alas, they had the change in their pockets and will be as disappointed as the Carter grassroots folks were.
