Sunday, July 13, 2008

'Gang of 20' Comes Out of House to Push for More Drilling.... But Is It Enough?

Remember These Guys? The House Is Trying the Same, But........
I might overdramatize things in DC sometimes, but generally I'm right. Most of them, including the leadership, have no real desire to do the right thing, unless it increases their powerbase. But sometimes, a few of them get together to get past the partisanship, and do some good for the people. They did it three yers ago, with the Gang of 14, and now they are trying again to allow drilling for oil.
Reps. Neal Abercrombie (D-HI) and John Peterson (R-Pa) will lead a bipartisan group of 20 House members to work on energy issues. Abercrombie and 9 other Democrats have apparently had enough of Nancy Pelosi blowing them off to try and fill America's gas tanks with wind and solar power. "Simply standing up and saying you can't drill your way out of this doesn't work. The people are standing up and saying yes we can," said Abercrombie. Peterson was more direct and dour. "In order for us to remain competitive and to avoid a second Great Depression, Washington needs to put politics aside and address the crisis." Strong words indeed....
The hopes are for it to work like the Gang of 14, but is 20 enough? I'm not sure it will.. The Gang of 14 was in the Senate, which only has 100 members, and they are split 50-50 between both parties. The House has 435 members, and the Democrats hold a 236-199 edge. So, by gaining 10 members, the Republicans can only get 209 votes, unless there are more Democrats willing to override Pelosi and Whip Jim Clyburn.
All of what goes on in DC is based on votes. If you have the votes, you put it on the floor. If not, then it dies in committee. Based on this, it sounds to me like there isn't enough support there to put Pelosi out on this issue yet. Maybe a little more time, but it is a start, and a significant chink in the Democratic leadership's armor.......

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