Monday, July 28, 2008

SC6 Gives You The Top 14 TV Theme Songs Ever.

YES, It's a TV......... A VERY OLD TV.
You never know when and where inspiration for a blog post will strike. Soemtimes it comes from other blogs. No, it's not copying if you give them due credit. I was reading Earl Capps blog toight, and he was talking about Will Folks attempt to make a movie version of Hawaii Five -O. I commented that Hawaii Five -O had the second best theme song ever. So, I decided to list my Top 14 List of TV Theme Songs......
Why 14? Well, I used IGN's Top 50 List, and I ended up picking 14 that I liked the most, then I ranked those 14. As you can tell, it VERY scientific. Remember, we go for quantity here, not quality........... and we never let you down on that.
IGN had the Top Two as Cheers and MASH, but I passed on both of them - Cheers was okay, but musically there are much better ones, and MASH used the same theme as the movie, so that's a foul in my book. To check out their Top 50, here is the link:
Anyway, I'll skip commenting on why they cracked my list - that could take all night, and you know all of these anyway - unless you're under 25, or never watch TV Land. Here we go......
14: The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
13: Green Acres
12: All In the Family
11: The Muppet Show
10: Sanford and Son
9: Mission Impossible
8: The Andy Griffith Show
7: The Beverly Hillbillies
6: Miami Vice
5: The Odd Couple
4: The Jeffersons
3: Barney Miller
2: Hawaii Five - O.
Maybe SWAT isn't on your list, I'm not surprised. It wasn't that good a show, and it was only on two years, but when I was little kid, my siblings and I used to turn the TV on to see the intro song to SWAT - then we'd change the channel and watch something else. That's why it's my Number One - it made a really crappy show better. If you don't know it, here it is. DAN-NUH-NAH , DAN-NUH-NAH, DAN-NUH-NAH, DAN-NUH-NAH, DONNA-NAH !!!


  1. Anonymous8:33 PM

    ummm...well, you forgot "What's Happening"! Swat is a good one, Hawaii Five-O as well. Muppet Show needs to move up the chart. No WKRP on here. No Happy Days either. Yep, Cheers and Mash have to be in the top 10.

  2. What's Happening would have been a pretty good choice, but it didn't make IGN's list, and I'm too lazy to research...

    WKRP and Happy Days were close, but I liked others more.

    Hey, no comment on the Orioles??

  3. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Bro you forgot "Mod Squad" ( not really the kind of tune you can hum to though) and "Emergency" (we nicknamed it frogs legs becasue we couldn't read the word..thanks Matt!)
    I am guilty of humming the SWAT theme..even though we never watched it!

  4. Mod Squad was a bit before my time. Emergency didn't click with me either, although i was a HUGE Randy Mantooth fan as a kid. I forgot about 'Frogs Legs"....

  5. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Miami Vice

  6. Miami Vice was a great theme song - I probably could have ranked it higher, but i didn't watch it much in the 80's, and I bonded with others a bit more.

  7. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Who needs a life when you have Crockett and Tubbs?
