Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Blowing Others' Generosity: Extreme Makeover Winner Foreclose On Their Free House...

No Wonder Ty Pennington Drinks So Much..
If you've ever seen ABC's 'Extreme Home Makeover' show, this story will probably tick you off a bit. It's the show where a neighborhood gets together and helps build a local family a new home - one that is usually pretty high-end, with lot of special features made just for them. It's one of those shows that makes you feel like a big selfish turd..
Most of the people who receive this gift go on and right their lives from then on. And some.........uh. Don't.
Say hi to the Harper's of Lake City, Georgia. They got a house worth $450,000, along with another $250k in donations, including scholarships for the kids. So , did they go on to just get regular jobs and not worry about having a mortgage forever? Nope, they mortgaged the house on a $450K loan to start a construction business......... and lost it all. Now the house is in foreclosure, and everyone is Lake City feels like a big sap. "It's aggravating. it just amkes you mad. You do that much work, and they just squander it" said Mayor Willie Oswalt.
It just proves the theory that I always say: No Good Deed Goes Unpunished.


  1. Anonymous11:24 PM

    suddenly the voice of varuca salt singing "I want it NOW" comes to mind!
    Just wasn't good enough to have everything handed to them...for FREE!
    i sense a good b**ch slap for that whole family. But you know someone will give them a big "bleeding heart pity party".

  2. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Blowing each other? A gay 69'er?

  3. I guess 'Blowing Others Genorosity' was a blog post just WAITING to be picked apart, eh?
