Tuesday, July 29, 2008

So, What Should The Oklahoma City NBA Team Call Themselves?

Pick a Mascot, Any Mascot.............
If you've been following sports, you know the NBA will have their newest franchise in Oklahoma City this fall, and they want to know what they should name the team. A local station reported that they had decided on Thunder, but the NBA got pissed, and let the fans pick. So, here are the six choices:
Barons, Bisons, Energy, Marshalls, Thunder and Wind.
Okay, lets knock out the weakest ones first. First off, the plural of Bison is Bison - not Bisons. Wind? Are you serious? Energy? Why not just call them the Oklahoma City Red Bull or Amp. I don't hate the Marshalls, although a report did point out that Marshalls is a department store, so it's a near miss. So, that leaves us with the Barons and Thunder.
I like the Barons, but if you've ever been to Oklahoma City, you know the weather sucks there, but who wants to be called the Tornadoes or Twister, so Thunder is the next best option. You want a name representative of your area, so maybe Thunder is best. Wait , I have a better name for the team......... The Seattle SuperSonics. They shouldn't be leaving anyway. My guess is in six years, when the thrill wears off, they'll be just like the Grizzlies - looking for another home.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Guessing the Florida State has a lock on The Criminoles...
