Sunday, August 10, 2008

Bush Goes to the Olympics.. But Is He Ever Gonna Come Back ??

See Ya'll.......... Forever ??

I'm watching the USA basketball team put the thumpdown on China right now. They're pretty much just toying with them right now. There is a raucous crowd there, but they're not all rooting for China. President Bush is there too, along with Laura, and my favorite of the Bush twins, Barbara. Jenna's OK, but I always thougt Barbara was hottter. Sorry, I'm losing my focus - back to the topic.

I'm just asking here, because I didn't get an itinerary from the State Department, but how long is Bush staying in China? He's been there for what, 5 or 6 days now. Is he staying the entire two weeks? Is he leaving tomorrow? Is he staying in Beijing in protest until Congress returns to vote on offshore drilling? If that's the case, Congress may never return......

I know the term is almost over, and he wants to support our athletes, but isn't that what Rose Garden ceremonies are for? I like to skip town, especially when no one in the neighborhood wants to see me, but there is work to do. The convention is coming up, and though some may disagree, he can help John McCain win in November. If he still doesn't want to come home, maybe we can trade him for Yao Ming - or some of those lead paint Wal-Mart toys...


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