Sunday, August 10, 2008

New Poll Finds Voters Want a New Congress... But Not a New Congressman.

OK People... YOUR Congressman Is the Problem....

Knowing how all of you are good Christians here, I'll try to put this post in terms that click with you. Remember the Serenity Prayer? No, not George Costanza screaming 'Serenity Now !!!' at the top of his lungs. Let's review it....

'God grant me the serenity to change the things I can, to not worry about the things i can't change, and the sense to know the difference.'

Maybe it's not word for word, but it's about right. The point being that we only have so much control over things in this world, and to worry about the things we can't change is fruitless. I'm guilty of this in certain aspects of life as well, so it happens to all of us now and then. Sometimes we need others to kick us in the ass to get things back on track. Here comes my foot.....

Like we've stated a lot recently, Congress' approval ratings are the lowest ever, and deservedly so. A 9% approval is pretty despicable. One would think that since Congress' ratings are so low, that every incumbent would be pooping in his/her britches with fear. Nope, and the polls show why.

A poll taken showed that 36% of voters felt that Congress deserved to stay in office - but 57% of them felt that their Congressman deserved to stay. So, what are they saying? That Congress is the problem, but not necessarily THEIR Congressman... Duh ......

Let me straighten you dummies out who feel this way. Your Congressman IS the problem. He or She is not voting for their citizens, but more so to advance thier own career and standing on the Hill. Sure, they get a little money for a local pet pork project here and there, but this is at the expense of the country as a whole.. YOUR Congressman is the problem, not the exception.....


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