Sunday, August 03, 2008

Check Out Obama's New Plane.....

Exorbitant Spending We Can Believe In.....

I had this e-mailed to me earlier in the week. It's a picture of Barack Obama's new plane, which was just repainted and renovated. Now, I got the picture because some people are upset that the American flag is not prominently displayed on it - like most candidates. Instead , the Obama campaign symbol is on the tail section...

Now sure, we could write another argument questioning Obama's patriotism - but that's pretty par for the course. Instead, it looks like another example of the bloated Obama campaign pissing away cash to look like a rock star. Remember this?

It's the Led Zeppelin jet from the 70's, but these guys were paying for it themselves, not from donations - and they were high most of the time.......
While style will get you far, it doesn't get you all the way to the White House. Pretty soon, tough questions about what's going on in the Obama campaign will be asked. The style over substance, the promises and the inability to say no to anything will need to be answered. Meanwhile, I have a stupid question: What is that white bubble thing on the Obama symbol anyway? Here's what it reminds me of....


  1. Anonymous10:40 PM

    Yeah, lot's of idiots complain about the plane.

    McCain's plane doesn't seem to have the flag prominently displayed either.

    People should at least complain about something that matters. Foreign policy, taxes, energy policy, anything but a flag.

    Link to McCain's plane:

  2. Sure, but spending $500,000 to renovate a jet for a 90 day campaign is a bit excessive.

  3. Anonymous9:58 AM

    That white bubble thing as you referred to it is the sun rising buddy. Did you seriously not get the logo? I actually designed a logo almost identical to it 4 yrs ago for a local Republican mayoral candidate's campaign. She was also running on a "change" platform. It represents the dawn of a new day for American.

  4. Uh, yeah, I got the logo - did you seriously not get my sarcasm? How did the campaign go?
