Monday, August 04, 2008

What Exactly Is the Montauk Monster ?

WTF Is This? A Dog, a Turtle, or Something Else ??

First, I have to tell you that I saw this today for the first time, when Fox News aired it - during breakfast. Thanks, guys..... It's what's being called the Montauk Monster. It washed up on the eastern end of Long Island last week, and there is a ton of speculation as to what it is.

The guesses have gone from it being a dog, a raccoon, a turtle - or a Rakali, or Australian Water Rat. That would be one lost animal to from Australia to Long Island. There is another picture from the other side, and the one thing we can tell you is it's a male..

So, what is it? Well, let me impart my wisdom on the subject. I grew in Long Island, and I worked at the beach there for 7 years. I have seen everything wash up there, from a turtle to dogs, to human adults, to the pelvic bone of a 7 yr old girl. The other picture is more obvious - it's a dog, or a hoax. When you drown, your body pales and bloats a lot. The guy who drowned was black, and when they found him two days later, he was whiter than me. A turtle looks nothing like this, and to crack it's shell - which only a shark or whale can do - you end up damaging the body. Most people think it's a raccoon. I've never seen a dead raccoon, much less one that drowned, but it sure looks like a dog to me.

There are a couple things that look odd on it - the snout and it's legs arent quite right. The biggest sign of it being a hoax is that no one has possession of the monster, and there are rumours that the person who took the pics is shopping around the pics to the highest bidder. All I know for sure is that we have the Chupacabra of the ocean now.......... But it's probably a dog.



  1. Anonymous11:59 AM

    What's CSI say about the genetics? It does have former Gore aide Donna Brazile's smile.

  2. The location of the dog - uh, monster is unknown, so whether it is a distant relative of her or her kid, we're not sure.

  3. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Hmmm, anyone know where Socks the cat is?

  4. Anonymous11:43 PM

    I saw another pic of it from a differnet angle then that one it it mostly represented aturtle without a shell. This one looks more like a dog.
    But I was pretty freaked out to see this thing.

  5. Anon, Bobby has Socks the Cat - a Socks, not THE Socks...

    Martha, I've picked up worse from the beach. The turtle was HUGE, but that kid's pelvis was pretty upsetting, because we knew what it was....

  6. Anonymous8:48 PM

    hmmm...looks like an arkansas razorback to me.


  8. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Mike find Shirley Q Liquor's Arkansas fight song... (and a few others).

    I think though that this is what happend to one of Paris Hilton's yappy dogs when she crossed "The Family".
