Sunday, August 17, 2008

Fact or Fiction? Take the TV Mythbusters Quiz....

No, this isn't a quiz about the TV show, 'Mythbusters' - although that is a pretty cool show. Anything where you are constantly blowing shit up is always great.. Nope, this a TV Myth quiz. It's an quiz to test your knowledge of useless TV fact vs. fiction. Naturally, since it is a quiz on useless info, I scored off the charts....
So, did Mikey REALLY die from Pop Rocks and Coke? Are Bert and Ernie gay (???) who first showed a toilet on TV? Find out now.....


  1. Anonymous3:45 PM

    7 of 13

  2. Guess that 12 of 13 lets me keep my crown as the King of Useless Information..

  3. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Where's the Shatner question?

  4. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Say it ain't so, Mikey snorted pop rocks and cocaine? You must be off the deep end.

  5. You'll have to ask them - it's their list.

    Pop Rocks and COCA-COLA !!! No snorting involved - unless you like carbonation up you nose. personally, i find it painful..
