Sunday, August 17, 2008

SC6 Weather Alert: Bobby Says Tropical Storm Fay WILL Hit South Carolina...

You See, The Lines Represent the Empirical Data, and...Heck, I Dunno..
This just in at the SC6 Weather Center. Yes, we have a Weather Center here - it's called Bobby. He used to be a disc jockey here in Florence (not attractive enough for TV? Maybe..). I'll let you in on a little secret.... All DJ's are closet weathermen. Bobby, Dave, Ed Palmer - all they do all day long is check out, waiting for THE BIG ONE to hit.... Bobby even gets text messages from when they send out warnings. I know, the man needs help.....
Bob's been watching Tropical Storm Fay this week , and he just sent me this graph from the National Weather Service. As you can see, of the 8 models for the storm's path, three of them have Fay running right over South Carolina, with two of them having Fay still at Tropical storm strength. According to Bobbo, the blue and purple lines are the most accurate, and we see where they go. The storm is expected to hit Thursday or Friday.
I guess we're due for a storm, and my grass could use the free sprinkling, so I'm fine with it. Will it actually hit, or will it stay West of run up the coast again? We'll see. Don't like it? Blame Bobby....


  1. Anonymous3:48 PM

    it could sit off the coast and strengthen as well.

  2. Anonymous4:42 PM

    guilty! I am a, geek with the weather channel desktop icon to alert me on up to the minute forecasts. hey, when you live in a MH, the last thing you want is having Auntie Em swirling outside your front door.

  3. Life is tough in the TP, Martha, but not as tough as our sister in Florida. This one's gonna run over Monica again!

  4. Anonymous7:32 PM

    damn thing is causing alot of problems for a tropical storm...3 feet of rain! build an ark.
