Monday, August 25, 2008

Hi, I'm Madonna, And I'm a Big Asshole.

I'm a pretty tolerant guy. All day long , I have to listen to people complain, argue and exaggerate things - and I usually just let it slide. Politics is the same way. People blow stuff out of proportion, and try to spin every little tidbit towards their advantage. Personally, I think the campaign has gone down the toilet a bit lately as well...
I really don't care how many houses John McCain has, and i'm not too concerned if Barack Obama is Muslim or not. I worry about whether either one can run the country effectively. I don't like to see them nitpick over USELESS CRAP. What really ticks me off is when I see people who know dick about politics - especially when they've lived the last 8 years in England - try to make either one look evil.
Enter Madonna. On the opening concert of her tour in Cardiff, Wales , the Material Mom played a video montage that included John McCain with such nice guys as Adolf Hitler, and Zimbabwe strongman Robert Mugabe, then put Barack Obama with Gandhi, Al Gore and John Lennon. No need to translate the visual imagery there, do we??
C'mon people, McCain as Hitler? I've gone back and forth with Madonna for a long time now. I respected her talent and balls, so I'd ignore her thumbing her nose at some things. However, when you flat out smear someone like this, you need to get a small message in return, so I'll give it. Madonna, you're an asshole - go fuck yourself. Have a nice day.. John McCain and Barack Obama are not bad guys, nor are they evil. Nancy Pelosi is evil. Okay, maybe even she isn't evil. It's time some people took a step back and stopped losing their minds over this .......


  1. Anonymous9:26 PM

    its hollywood where all your dreams can come true

  2. She's a freakin' airhead. Do you think these people live in the real world? Life is just a party to them.

  3. Like the sheryl crow post, Madonna has F. Everybody money ten times over.

  4. Anonymous2:13 PM

    flashback, Tevye in "Fiddler on the Roof" in "If I Was A Rich Man" opines "... if you're rich, they think you really know."

    As to Madonna, Jezabel's morals do not a rocket scientist make. We've seen in the past that leftist judges don't beleive that it is libel or slander, as long as it is a Republican you're libelling or slandering. She stand with the also rans like Sting, in pissing on the US. Sting at least has taken some efforts in social responsibility.

  5. Anonymous5:44 PM

    she a ho

  6. Sting is much more tolerable - he has a sense of humor. Madonna just takes herself way too seriously sometimes.

  7. Airheads tend to overestimate their importance.

  8. I believe they call it narcissism.....

  9. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Hillary wouldn't let me invite her for Chelsea's sleepover...

  10. You're probably better off anyway, Bill..
