Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's Finally Here: The SC6 Interview With Christa Woomer, The Planters Unibrow Lady !!

Boy, They Must've Used a Lot of Makeup to Ugly Her Up....
After 1400+ posts, we have finally done our first interview !! I think we got a real good one too. After very little wrangling from neither her nor her agent, Christa Woomer, aka The Planters Unibrow Lady, took the time to answer the 15 mundane questions that came into my noodle. Yes, I'm taking a page from my buddy Earl here, but personally, I'd rather hear from her than a politician.....
How does a girl from Roanoke, VA end up in Hollywood?
Christa: I've wanted to be an actress since I was a little girl. I ended up in Hollywood afterI'd done theatre all throughout the East and South and wanted to take on "the final frontier"-acting in film and television. Plus, Virginia is full of Republicans and it was killing my inner hippie.
In the commercial, Penelope has no lines. How does an actor give a silent character personality?
Christa: I had lines in my head. Well, I always have voices in my head, but for thiscommercial, I was thinking very specific things while I was walking around and Ireally believe that what is going on in your mind shows on your face. I also spentsome time writing a little bio on her; where she comes from, what's her job, whatare her likes and dislikes. That way, she was an actual person with personalitytraits as well as a sexy unibrow.
Which 'flaws' on Penelope are hers, and which ones are yours? Which flaw of Penelope did you wish was yours?
Christa: Well, obviously all the physical flaws belong solely to Penelope (I hope). It was my idea from my first audition to rub cashews in my cleavage. I don't know shehas any flaws that I wish were mine except having men get violently harmed inher wake. That would be cool if I could do that. I can't though.
How long did it take in Makeup to turn you into Penelope?
Christa: It took between 1.5-2 hrs. to create the goddess you see on the screen. They aged me some, did the eyebrows (which were two fake ones connected by individualhairs applied by hand), the mole with hair, ear bridges, turquoise eye makeup,fake teeth and fantastic pink ensemble. I loved it. I would dress like that everydayif I got to keep working with the same wonderful people from this commercial.
The best part of the commercial is the ass-tug at the end. Who's idea was that?
Christa: That was my idea. The director kept yelling "Do something funny!" And what's funnier than a public wedgie pick? Unless it's a guy getting hit in the groin with something.
Do any weird people (or normal) find the character sexy?
Christa: Surprisingly, most men do find her a bit sexy. I’ve received lots of compliments on my real looks but just as many guys tell me they would love to get with Penelope as well. As long as she’s reeking of Planters Cashews.
I know you favor Cashews, but what other nuts attact Men? I think Brazil Nuts are underrated.
Christa: I hear what you’re saying about Brazil nuts but never underestimate the power of almonds. They not only smell great but they have a very sexy shape.
I see you have a lot of famous friends on your MySpace page. Which ones are new friends, and which have you know before you became famous?
Christa: Am I famous? That’s awesome! Really though, I don’t think about it when I became friends with other people in the industry. It just kind of happens.
How much money did you get for the Planters commercial? How has it changed your life?
Christa: $537 gabillion dollars. I got to buy a house, a St. Bernard puppy, pool, pool boy and annual passes to Disneyland.
Often, a successful ad gets run into the ground, but Planters has never done a followup. Are there any plans for more ads?
Christa: There are no further plans for Penelope at the moment. But if anyone should ever feel the need to go to Planters’ website and request more commercials…
What do you do in your free time?
Christa: I love to sing karaoke, read, watch tv, go to the movies, play with my puppy, play with my pool boy, shop, go to Disneyland as much as possible and spend time with my nieces.
I've been to Roanoke a few times. Why do the truckers drive like such lunatics on I-81?
Christa: I believe they drive like that because they get paid a bonus per pound of metal and body parts stuck in the grille of the truck.
If you had a Mixed Martial Arts Cage Match against Flo from Progressive Insurance, who would win?
Christa: Flo would totally win. I’m a lover, not a fighter.
What's next for Christa Woomer?
Christa: I have an American Express ad with Ellen Degeneres, several auditions for tv shows and I will be starring in the indie film “My Husband Is My Sister-in-Law” which will film this winter.
Being a Southern Girl, I have to ask - which is your favorite BBQ - Mustard, Ketchup or Vinegar based?
Christa: I prefer fried chicken......
Thanks to Christa for being such a good sport, and for taking the time to chat with us. Best of luck to you in the future, and we'll keep an eye out for you on TV, and in the movies ... For everyone else, feel free to leave a comment, and maybe say thanks to Christa for coming by..


  1. Anonymous8:06 PM


    When are you and Mike gonna go out on a date? He's single, and a pool boy on the side.

  2. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Ditto from me Bobby!
    She's a red head lil brother! Mom would have LOVED it!

  3. You stealing my ideas ... that's gonna cost you, my friend.

  4. Bobby and Martha, you guys need help.

    Consider it a tribute to your greatness, Earl. Just a slight twist off from you though..

  5. Anonymous8:37 PM

    we need to talk this was good

  6. Thanks Moye, I don't want to say it was a lot of work. it actually fell together pretty easily, and Christa was real helpful on making the answers interesting.

    Earl, does this mean I owe you Arby's again???
