Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Good Thing the Guy Wasn't a Porn Star..

Israeli Airport Security - They Don't Screw Around......
Ever go through airport security overseas? I have, and it is no picnic.. My butt still hurts 16 months later from that stopover in Frankfurt...... Well, they have nothing on Israeli security. Who can blame them? When your country is the target of nearly every terrorist group around, you can't be too careful...
It is well-known that they target people by name, with an emphasis on those with Arab names. Enter Abdur-Rahim Jackson....... Jackson is a member of the famed Alvin Ailey Dance Company. How famous is the group? Even I know who they are. Jackson is black, but he is not Muslim - his dad was, but he is not religious, and is even engaged to a Jewish woman with relatives in Israel. But, when your name is Abdur-Rahim whatever, you are going to get pulled....
No one with the airport security believed he was a dancer, so they made him prove it -by showing them some steps - not once , but twice. They suggested to him that he change his name as well. Jackson is taking it all in stride. He did get an apology from the airport, and that was enough for him. Good Sport !! But he should be used to it by now.... He had to do the same thing in the Dominican Republic during a vacation.. Like I said, good thing he wasn't a Porn Star, or he might still be stuck in Israel.....


  1. Anonymous9:28 PM

    fly el you expect this

  2. I heard they call the airline El-OW !! from all the invasive searches..

  3. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Amazing how effective security is when you don't have to be politically incorrect...

    Should I tell El-Al that Pelosi is really transliteration of an Arabic name?

  4. She's too busy getting schooled by her local Archbishop, Rhino..
