Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Has Anyone Seen My Dead Wife ?

Did Anyone Order a Dead Lady From New York ??

I'm sure this isn't the first time this has happened, but it's always unbelieveable when it does... A man in New York had his wife pass away from cancer, and per her wish, her body was to be shipped to her native Ecuador for burial..

The local funeral home made arrangements with American Airlines to send her body home. It didn't get there for four days, and what a ride it had !! It seems the whole problem stemmed from an American Airlines employee didn't type in Guayaquil, Ecuador - he typed in Guatemala City, Guatemala. OOPS !!!!

Needless to say, the husband is suing both American and the funeral home, although I don't see the home's culpability in this mistake. However, Judge Reino's ruling are not recognized in court - yet. I imagine the trip she took was quite unbelieveable. If only the dead could talk...


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Uh Mikey, this is like the FEMA fun post Katrina, using parts of a Clinton era designed national response plan that had hundreds mobilized in Columbia and Charleston for a planeload of medical evacuees... The offical forms to order the forms to authorize the deputy undersecretary to pick his nose and not eat it only had legible city of origin and destination... When they were set to fly from Columbia MO to Charleston WV, the plan got changed to specify the airport designators, like ATL, GBO, IAD, DFW, CHS, CAE CLT not as a Clinton hireling thought was adequate just a city name...

    for poor old AA, well thse designators sout of the border are all in Spanish right?
