Saturday, October 18, 2008

500,000 Americans Are STILL Waiting For Their Economic Stimulus Checks...

Married Couples Waiting on the Guvmint Cheese After Snafu.....
While the Democrats in Congress are already planning on a second economic stimulus package to further mortgage our future, there are over 500,000 Americans still waiting on their first check. One screwup at a time guys... What happened? As usual, you can blame it on the women. I'm kidding, but it does involve them.......
So, what is holding up the checks? Well, the checks are sent out not based on the IRS records, but from Social Security Administration records. You may jot know this - and I guess 250,000 couples didn't - but when you get married , one thing you are supposed to do is go to the SSA office and have your name changed legally with the government. If you didn't, your name does not match what Big Brother has a your name, and the check ain't coming. Or at least it wasn't.
After a quarter million complaints, they are confirming the goof, and they are verifying the records, and sending out the moolah... So, if you're married, and still waiting on your $600-1200 check, we here at SC6 may have just given you the answer why. For another $200, we'll tell you who to call to fix it....


  1. Anonymous12:58 PM

    They don't understand that this money is not going back into the economy. It is going into our gas tanks, homes and refrigerators!

  2. Technically, it will go into the economy, but not as the discretionary spending that jumpstarts things.

    However, we as a nation have lost our way in what truly are needed things. When I grew up, we had 1 car, 1 TV, no cellphones or Playstation, etc.

  3. Anonymous9:13 PM

    brother, stop putting up links to long hair, sweaty, shirtless 80's know how that makes me crazy sabastian bach or J bonjovi is fine with me)

  4. I dunno. 20 years later, it all looks pretty laughable...

  5. Anonymous10:34 PM

    i think i still have that on cassette somewhere.
