Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Magic Number Is 60....

Some of These Guys in the US Senate Won't Be Back in January....And Most of Them Have an 'R' Next to Their Name....
Welcome to one of the first installments of SC6's Look in the Crystal Ball in politics... Much as we might not like it, barring a MAJOR stumble, Barack Obama will be the next president. Not to worry, folks. Like we've said for years here, the President is not the real worry - Congress is. And there is reason for real concern in DC .......
Most of you already know, but for those newbies out there to us, we'll explain it in very easy terms. The President does not introduce legislation, he only suggests it. Bills are introduced in the House of Representatives, and if passed, they go to the Senate. Then they die there. We're only kidding, but just a bit....It all has to do with vetoes.
Any bills that are passed by both the House and Senate then go to the President to either sign the bill, or to veto it. If vetoed, it then goes back to the House and Senate to have the veto overridden, or else it dies. To override a veto, it must be by a 3/5 majority. In the Senate , that would be 60 votes. Right now, it isn't even close, so most bills passed by Congress that George Bush vetoes don't get the veto overridden. That may change, and soon.....If this is confusing, we refer you to our best reference on the topic - Schoolhouse Rock.
With Barack Obama as president, and majorities in both houses, the Democrats will have free reign to enact any and all legislation they want to. But, according to , the Democrats have 54 totally safe seats in the Senate, and another 5 that are relatively safe or with a slight edge, so 59 appears to be what they will have at least. But there are 3 Republican Senators with very small leads of 2-4 points: Mitch McConnell(KY), Roger Wicker (MS), and Saxby Chambliss (GA) - all Southern states where the Obama voter drive could cause a surprise. Some of you guys may be unhappy that Lindsey Graham's seat is safe, but I'm glad. All they need is one, and they have their 60 seats.
With that, even if John McCain were president, every veto could be overridden. He might be glad he lost, although he'd still have to be in the Senate, getting pummeled on a daily basis... We all know that America works better when 1) our goverment is even divided, and more importantly, 2) when they work TOGETHER..... A lopsided House and Senate is not a recipe for this scenario.


  1. Anonymous12:31 PM

    2 Chronicles 7:14

  2. Sorry, I had to look it up..

    "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land."

    There's still a chance , folks..
