Sunday, October 12, 2008

If I Leave Here Tomorrow....

No, Skynyrd Has Nothing To Do With This Post.........
Hey, just a quick heads-up to y'all... On Thursday night , I was blogging at home, when I noticed that my laptop was losing power. I looked at my AC adapter, which is hooked up 24/7, and I basically saw sparks and flames on the floor.....
Luckily, Bobby's wife has the same laptop, so i've been coming by every day to watch football, and drop a post or two. I have a new one on the way (good luck finding Dell equipment in a store), so the posts will be fewer than usual, or I might skip a day or two this week. I pride myself on having at least one or two readable articles a day for you, so I want to apologize in advance if I fail to meet expectations. Bob has been pretty generous with allowing me over the last few days, but everything has it's limits. So, you may have to find something else to read this week. I'm am thawwy....


  1. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Your doing a great job Mike!! No need to be sorry. Do something fun in the spare free time. By the way I love the song Free Bird. It's a really long song to play on Guitar Hero though!

  2. Guitar Hero or not, Free Bird is a long song by any standards.

  3. Anonymous5:49 PM

    just bring food with ya punk!

  4. Anonymous8:53 PM

    wanna dance? LOL

  5. I'm a 40 yr old white guy - how BAD do you think I dance ?

  6. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Just got your message from this weekend...and no, I don't think its wrong. btw, sorry it takes me so long to respond.

  7. It's okay, I understand. I swear, you know exactly when to write back ! Hope all is well, and I hope the feeling is just a bit mutual. ;)

  8. Anonymous3:51 PM

    hard to say ;)

    How you been doing?

  9. Guess that all depends on whether I've been good or not, right?

    I've been pretty good. Work is okay, and the money is getting straightened out. I've still got a nice mountain to climb, but it's better...

    I actually went a week without going to the TC finally! I had to work Sat., and Sat. night I went to a wake. It isn't quite the same without you there.. Are you gettign by okay without working?

  10. Anonymous1:05 PM

    pretty good. I hardly have any free time, so if I wanted to work I couldn't. School is kicking my ass, but I have A's, B's, and C+'s...YAY me! I'm still a hippie, but I miss EVERYBODY from TC. I haven't gone out in awhile, and the last time I did, I decided that alcohol sucks! I'm done with hangovers. N-E ways, whats new at the TC? How is the boss?

  11. I hope I don't sound condescending when I say this, but I'm really proud of you for getting classes straight. When I pray for you, which I still do every night, I ask for you to 1) be happy, and 2) finish school, so you can be whatever you want to be. You have all the tools you need to succeed in life. Besides, I don't hang out with dummies !! ;)

    Hippie..hmm.. gotcha! Like they always say, alcohol is better if taken in moderation..

    It's been a couple weeks since I went to the TC. I'll probably watch the 'W' movie tonight, but I may go tomorrow.. Which boss are you referring? Everyone at the TC is the boss, aren't they?

    Thanks for writing, and KIT Princess.
