Sunday, October 12, 2008

This Is NOT What Voters Want to See...

Chris Wallace Sure Earned His Money This Morning....

I have this Sunday morning routine every week. I get up at 8 or 830 - it doesn't matter if I went out Saturday night, when you get up at 6AM five or six days a week, 8AM is sleeping late. I'll make breakfast, and sit down to watch Fox News Sunday. The opening guests usually are pretty partisan, but the panel at the end mostly tells stuff like it is. Well, today's guests at the beginning got me so pissed off, I was yelling at theTV, telling the two guys "Shut the F**k Up !!!". It was THAT BAD.....

Host Chris Wallace had McCain campaign manager Rick Davis, and Obama chief strategist David Axelrod on. Now , with two guys like that, you'll expect it to be a bit contentious. After all, they get paid to BS you. But even in times like three weeks before Election Day, there should be a certain amount of repect given to the other side. Let them make their point, right or wrong, then you get your chance to correct it, and make your point. That is why we watch Sunday morning news shows. If I wanted to watch people fight, i'd watch Spike TV....

Davis and Axelrod apparently haven't figured this out yet, because what happened was 9 minutes of two jerks trying to yell over each other, which resulted in the two of them looking like morons, and they wasted NINE MINUTES OF MY LIFE !! I could care less about Axelrod's behavior, but I'm really ticked at Rick Davis. I've seen Davis a few times now, and he is a pompous idiot who makes the party look bad. Even when he's right, you don't side with him because of his attitude. And he wasn't right much today. The Obama campaign doesn't need to apologize for something that Georgia Congressman John Lewis said. He isn't on the staff. Aside from that, i couldn't tell you a thing that was said between the two of them. It was THAT BAD...

The panel agreed. Bill Kristol, who is as Red State as they come, chastised Davis, along with the entire McCain campaign. And he's pretty correct. The economy is the issue here, and they decide to try to attack Obama personally? Dumb, dumb, dumb... Just about half of America thinks he is fit to be President, so when you attack him like that, you're telling half of America that they're idiots with no judgement. Republicans are supposed to be the calm, practical ones - not the fearmongering nutjobs....

Kristol has some solid advice.... Get McCain and Palin off the road on Sunday, and get them into the TV studios for 20-30 minutes. Let them show some stability, concern and intelligence on the issues. If the attack subject comes up, just say "I'm not here to talk about negative stuff, I'm here to answer America's concerns" and move on. Losing with honor isn't a bad thing. Losing with a scorched Earth is.....

Usually, you would have to take my word about how much it sucked, but thanks to the wonder of YouTube, the clip is already online. I guess someone else out there agrees with me....



  1. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Partly why I don't watch a whole lot of T.V. Nothing worth watching on.

  2. Anonymous5:52 PM

    c'mon Liz...nothing on??? what about Jerry Springer or Judge Judy????
    yeah, i guess there is a bunch crap on. i'll stick with sports and csi

  3. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Yeah, sports since football is on.

  4. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I'm still in favor of American Sportsman putting the candidates out in a duck blind or a dove field with Dick Cheney...

  5. Too bad Curt Gowdy is gone...

  6. Anonymous1:27 PM

    More Joe the Plumbers in the minefield... the blonde on GMA wanted to cut away so quick this morning from his interview when he pointed out that the 250K was an arbitrary BHO choice of incomes, suppose he chose to move it down to say that over 150K was filthy rich or over 80K, or maybe over

    Obama's not answering the tax question, but I have to wonder how soon the birth certificate/citzenship issue hits the fan really hits the fan. That could vacate Obama on the ticket and open the door for Hillary. Just how to make it look like a "vast racist conspiracy"....

  7. Hillary, that horse is dead...
