Sunday, October 26, 2008

Looking Into the Crystal Ball: Your Next VP Will Be Pretty Poor...

If You Want an Average Joe/Jane in Office, You'll Get It for Veep...
As we continue to tell you what politics will be like before it happens, we hope that it helps you decide on how you vote next Tuesday. One complaint that many voters have is that we don't ever get to vote for soemone like us - someone that has been through a mortgage or having to make an actual budget. If you think Barack Obama or John McCain is that guy, think again. Obama has made millions of off his books, and we know McCain (or his wife) own more houses than I have underwear...... but if you want a middle class VP, you'll have it.
MSN money had a nice little article on both Joe Biden and Sarah Palin's financial disclosure forms, and neither one of thm would be considered rich. Upper middle class, yeah. Rich? No way. In fact, either palin or Biden will be the poorest VP in the past 32 years. That was Walter Mondale, who admitted he on was worth $77,000, and he wanted the job because 'I need the money'....... OOPS, but he won anyway.
Between Palin and Biden, their combined net worth is less than $1 million combined. When you compare that to Dick Cheney, Al Gore, Dan Quayle and George H. Bush, they are almost paupers.... The Palins make about $250 per year between Sarah's Governor's salary and Todd's salmon fishing, oil rig maintenance and of course, his snowmobile racing.. They own some individual stocks and some ETF's, but they have a mortgage on their house , and own two tracts of vacation land.
For someone who's been in the Senate for 35 years, Biden is pretty poor. He made about $300k last year from his salary and a book advance. He still has a loan that he's paying off for his kids' college tuition, and his investments are a retirement annuity, and a 401k. Pretty tame for a guy who's hitting retirement, but he will hit a major windfall when he hits 36 years in the Senate.
No, neither one of these two will need to get a loan from you anytime soon, but for a major player in Washington DC, either of these two will be about as close to you as you'll get. Biden ride Amtrak because he can't afford to fly. Palin carpools to hockey games with her sons' teammates. Sounds like a pair of Average Joe's to me....


  1. Anonymous8:00 PM

    i want the one from alaska

  2. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Me too.

    Though the dude from Delaware, you know that state that lets corporate entities cheat and incorporate there, sorta like the Obamination's campaign hints at some do in the Caribbean, might find it easier, by far to ride Amtrak back than to fly, for the time to get through TSA... moye?

  3. Anonymous4:55 PM

    At least both of the GOP's team CAN fly the plane...

  4. They may be able to fly a plane, but the political flight seems destined to crash land....

  5. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Well hang it Mikey, McCain IS a reverse ace, he did crash or get shot down in at least five ariplanes during his service in the Navy.

    Sarah Palin OTOH might have to have a spot to tie up the family float plane on the Potomac. Maybe at the Marine Air Station opposite DCA.
