Sunday, October 26, 2008

On the Ballot: The Florence City Council Races.

Glynn Willis and Bobby Holland Get Our Nod at SC6...
Florence City Council will be a lot different after November 4th, and that shouls be a good thing. The development of the downtown area is going along at a snail's pace, and that needs to pick up. However, with the current economic slowdown, I don't expect any visible progess to be made until at least 2010. Mayor Frank Willis is gone, and word is that he's already moved to Columbia. Guess I was more right back in 2006 than I thought.....
For those of you waiting for me to make a pick on mayor, don't hold your breath. Honestly, I know so little about Rocky Pearce that I'm not making an endorsement either way. I'm sure some of you will be glad to donate your two cents in that one. Most Republicans are going for Pearce, so I assume he is in the Willis, Dem on the Outside-GOP on the Inside mold.... I've met Stephen Wukela on the road a few times, but I have a few concerns about his experience and his willingness to throw more cash at a School District that is pretty flushed with cash already....I'll let you make up your own minds.
Now, for City Council. I have a bit of a conundrum. There are four people running for two at-large seats, which means that all city residents get to vote for two of them. If I could wish for anything, I wish that Octavia Blaek and Steve Powers could take Ed Robinson and Billy Williams' seats tomorrow. They are imminently more qualified and talented than either current Councilmen. But..........
It'll sound a bit partisan, but I'm endorsing Glynn Willis and Bobby Holland for City Council. I'm more excited about Willis, partly because he's a new candidate, partly because I like the job he's done on the Planning Commission, partly because he's a big fan of the blog. Somehow, that hasn't cost him in the race yet !! Holland has done a good job, although a bit quietly. He attends the GOP meetings to keep us updated on issues. He knows the issues well, and has done a good job of keeping Florence's budget in line , without raising taxes like a drunken sailor....
So, why not Powers or Blake? I have some concerns about conflicts of interest with Powers. He owns S&W Printing , which is in the downtown area, so while he may know a lot about downtown development, he stands to profit a lot personally from it. Also, I read yesterday that S&W just got a big goverment contract job from John Spratt. Having a pollitician who profits from goverment business is not something I am comfortable with...
I've met Octavia Blake numerous times. She used to be a customer of mine, and I even met her during a meet & greet in town for - SURPRISE FOLKS - Andre Bauer. I did like her comment that a big concern for minorities is paying higher taxes. It almost floored me, but I liked to hear that. She is exactly what we need on City Council in Robinson's or Williams' seat. But she probably lives in District 3, which is 80% GOP, so she has to go for an At-Large seat, which still will put her in last place in all likelihood. Also, i am still a bit pissed at her husband, who was County Attorney, telling me that a zoning issue in my backyard was 'none of my business'. Hey, at least i'm being honest about it, so take that info as you wish.....
Again, I think the slate of candidates is pretty strong, certainly stronger than two of the incumbents. It's like the worst two guys got first round bye's , and the 4 best have to knock each other out to play with them. Someday..............


  1. I agree with you on Glynn Willis. Glynn is not only a nice guy, but he is a hard worker. I told him if he worked half as hard on the Council as he has on his campaign, he would be good for Florence.

    But on Holland, I disagree. You can't sit on that council "quietly" and not be held accountable for the problems with the council. They refuse to hold each other accountable and instead spend valuable trying to fiddle with the rules for elections in hopes it helps them stay in the CCC.

    I feel pretty confident Octavia takes one seat and, unfortunately, I think Powers takes the other. Why? The numbers, turnout and the D beside their names. I hope I'm wrong on one and it's Octavia and Glynn.

    As for the mayor's race...come on, Mike. Fun exercise: take a look at both candidates websites. Somebody over at Rocky's HQ knows how to cut and paste. Every single issue is one that Wukela was talking about long before Rocky starting getting those "phone calls."

    As for any concern about experience being an issue, consider one issue: the abandoned houses and lots. Wukela was the one who started the talk about the abandoned houses and lots. Of course, in their debate, Frank tried to say Wukela's solution to the problem was unconstitutional (which it is not). I sat at a NAACP meeting a few weeks later and listend to Ed Robinson echo "his mayor." Now, all of a sudden, everyone is talking about abandoned lots and houses and everyone likes that "unconstitutional" solution. A lot of those lots and houses were abandoned way back when Rocky was mayor. I guess that's the "experience" he's touting.

    Ed and Billy are praying Wukela does not win. That should tell you all you need to know about Rocky.

  2. Even though we come from opposite sides of the political spectrum, we do seem to agree on a very big point. There is a definite Old School - New School battle going on. I was a bit stunned to hear my party's Chair talk about Frank Willis losing with such regret.

    I think you'll be wrong on the council seats. The at-large votes are still very Republican, probably 60% or more. I think Glynn will probably be first, Holland and Powers will be very close for second, and Octavia brings up the rear. She will get a lot of help from those North and East precincts, but that 'D' and - I hate to say it - her being African American will kill her in the rest of town.

    Maybe 2008 will break some longstanding sterotypes in Flotown, but I think they'll fall a little short this year. Stephen has a major battle on his hands. Like you said, he has to battle not only the GOP, but almost half of his own party.

  3. Anonymous7:59 PM

    you should had ran for mayor of flo town

  4. Ladies and Gentlemen - a Moye Graham sighting !!! I was getting worried, buddy.

    Running for Mayor is the LAST thing I need to do.

  5. Anonymous9:39 PM

    proper english>>> You should have run for mayor of Florence.

    ahhhh...who cares. this blog is just a vast right wing conspiracy!

  6. Anonymous9:50 PM

    ok, I'm not done...
    This is what I hear about Glynn. My mother asked him about why some codes aren't being enforced in the city...his reply, "Because I don't want people to dislike me". When are you jackass politicians going to realize that IT IS NOT ABOUT YOU! No wonder so many people in this country don't vote or give a shit. They are the smart ones who realize the ones that are running don't give a shit about them.

  7. Good to see you've calmed down tonight.... Hey, the Steelers lost, they're 5-2, they'll win the division and make the playoffs.

    Penn State is 9-0, and they have a great shot at the BCS Championship once Alabama loses.

  8. Mike, I think you should have run. If nothing else, it would have made the race far more lively. If you had enough money, you could have held meetings at Arby's to buy off some voters. I hear you're good at doing that.

    Thanks for nothing.

  9. Anonymous6:35 PM

    I agree with Earl!

  10. No freakin' way. I've made my political bed. If I ran, not only would I be thrown into it, but other people who want NOTHING to do with this crap....

  11. Anonymous7:51 PM

    just do it man and quit your bitchin'!

    Reino for Mayor


  12. Reino ... Reino ... Reino!!!

    Toga ... Toga ... Toga!!!

  13. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Hey Rocky, watch me pull this mayoral office out of my hat!

  14. Anonymous7:01 PM

    I know the people at SW Printing quite well and I know for a fact that they have no government contract of any kind. To punish a man for a false accusation is just wrong! You should absolutely check your sources before you publish something on a public website. No matter who wins on Tuesday, its still better than what we have on council now. All four candidates are very capable of serving our community, but Steve Powers has my vote. He has served on several boards and worked hard for the city of Florence. It's not about the party, it's about the person. When you go to vote on Tuesday I urge you to vote for Steve Powers.

  15. I stand 100% behind the 'accusation'. It was printed in the Florence Morning News one day before I posted this. You want to blame someone, blame the FMN and Congressman John Spratt's for making the announcement right before an election.

    Don't apologize for making anonymous statements that you obviously don't know about. I'm sure you feel bad.. Sounds like your friends at S&W don't tell you everything.

    Yes, I believe I already said Powers and Octavia Blake would be better than Robinson and Williams are. But, I only get to pick two, and the guy owns a downtown business and just got a Federal contract. Look it up. Stuff like that makes me leery...

  16. Anonymous8:09 PM

    Top 5 Products or Services Sold
    Other ADP and Telecommunications Services (includes data storage on tapes, compact disks, etc.) $21,877,841
    Construction of Structures and Facilities -- Troop Housing Facilities $15,079,817
    Program Management/Support Services $13,676,235
    Construction of Structures and Facilities -- Miscellaneous Buildings $12,545,709
    Maintenance, Repair and Rebuilding of Equipment -- Automatic Data Processing Equipment (Including Firmware), Software, Supplies and Support Equipment $11,616,921
    Expand summary to all products/services

    Top 5 Contracting Agencies Purchasing from Contractor(s)
    AIR FORCE, Department of the (Headquarters, USAF) $84,369,118
    NAVY, Department of the $41,196,495
    Federal Technology Service $40,157,538
    ARMY, Department of the (except Corps of Engineers Civil Program Financing) $7,825,921
    VETERANS AFFAIRS, Department of $5,169,105
    Expand summary to all agencies

    GENERAL DYNAMICS CORP. $18,996,849
    HITT CONTRACTING INC $15,697,060
    WEB, L.L.C. $7,721,368
    GSC CONSTRUCTION, INC $6,079,808
    INFO RELIANCE CORP $5,894,604
    E D L CONSTRUCTION, INC $4,373,712
    TELOS CORPORATION $4,084,365
    C R ASSOCIATES, INC $3,388,605
    LAND-O-SUN DAIRIES, L.L.C. $2,494,507
    SHAW GROUP, INC. $2,331,043
    MICHAEL FULLARD $2,005,771
    PORTER SCIENTIFIC, INC. $1,804,042
    CREAM-O-LAND DAIRY INC $1,556,936
    VERITAS CAPITAL INC $1,505,361
    ALL CITIES FENCE CO., INC. $1,357,020
    GPC WOMEN-OWNED SB $1,266,115
    S & W MANUFACTURING INC $818,965
    RLM SERVICES, INC. $774,183

    above you shall find the correct information on the gov contract you spoke of earlier and before you say it, it's not the same company.
    thanks keep the blogs going it what makes us free!!!!!!

  17. No their not. This is the first time I've ever had incorrect info here. I'll take care of it.
