Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The National Debt Clock Hits TILT !!!!

What Happens After $10 Trillion ?? It Breaks...Then the World Ends.
In case you've never seen this, this is The National Debt Clock. It is located in a couple locations in New York, and it keeps a running tally of the National Debt, so it's always running, and it always gets higher.
Well, you might notice that it only can go to $9.9999999 Trillion . However, the US Government has ramped up the excessive spending, to the point that the debt has cracked that barrier, so the Debt Clock is now BROKEN !! Apparently, the man who invented the clock back in the 70's -who is now dead - never thought that the debt could ever possibly get that high. Well, give Congress a goal, and they'll do anything to meet it - or break it.
The makers of the clock will have another two digits added, so now they can run the debt up to $999 Trillion before it breaks again. Dare to Dream ......


  1. Anonymous9:04 PM

    absolutely fucking rediculous. we're expected not to go $10. over our credit limit, but the government can do this!

  2. Hey, they're special - you aren't. Until you can pay for 50 lobbyists to puh your own personal agenda, you will get NOWHERE, Bobby.

  3. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Maybe Jerry Lewis has a solution!

  4. The comedian or the Congressman... HEY PRETTY LADY !!!!!
