Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Travis Barker Wants to Play Again . Don't Count On It Anytime Soon.

I read an article where Travis Barker was released from the Augusta Burn Center, and he drove by bus all the way back to California. Yes, he would not fly home, and I would probably have done the same.... He's being treated locally, but he does have second and third degree burns over the bottom half of his body, and his hands.
Now, while it sounds like he's on the road to recovery, don't expect to see him behind a drum kit for a long, long time. My ex brother in law suffered burns very similar to this from an at-work accident , and he is still not back at work after 2 years. These burns are extremely painful, and i can almost guarantee that Barker is on a slew of pain medications. Big ones... Aside from the pain, overcoming the possibility of getting addicted to these painkillers will be his greatest challenge. You don't just heal from third degree burns overnight. Barker is in for the fight of his life...
Now granted, Barker was sent straight to the premier burn facility in the Southeast, while my ex-bro was fucked up one of our local premier hospitals, before the finally sent him there. Hopefully for him, that will play a big part in his recovery. For his sake, it better.. For those of you who fans, keep playing that CD, because you won't see him onstage for a while - if ever.


  1. Anonymous9:02 PM

    ummm..yeah, that was McLeod.

  2. Hey, I'm not saying it was or wasn't - I can't afford an attorney to fight either one of them off.
