Wednesday, November 05, 2008

All Politicked Out? Me Too....

After tomorrow, I thought that we could use a break from politics, if just for a day. Sounds like a pretty good idea, doesn't it? I thought so too.. So, I went on a hunt for one of those goofy, anything but politics kind of articles that you guys love........ and I couldn't find a damned thing !!!!!!

Seriously, there was nothing to be found. Everyhting was Barack Obama, John McCain and all the election results. ZZZZZZZZ !!! It's the Day After. I want to read a story about someone getting maimed by a household appliance, or a Top 25 Hot Chick List.. Nada, Nunca, Niente. I'm sure things will get back to normal soon. So, to give you something non-political, I give you a picture of Rocket and his brother Ripken as puppies...

They were cute then... Now they smell.
Be back manana !!


  1. Anonymous8:46 PM

    it's Obama and McCain as dogs!

  2. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Thanks! My brain was on overload. I'll keep a look out for something that might interest you.

  3. Anonymous9:34 PM


  4. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Sorry its been awhile since I have communicated. I am overly consumed with school work lately. Lot of stress also due to the econ. collapse. Doubt there's any dinero at tc either, so not really an option. I'm pretty much tired of being a 'responsable adult' but its the only option right now. Hope your life is going okay. I know the dealerships are hurting, my alarm clock raido reminds me just about every morning. O yea, I have more depressing news...One of my REALLY close family members was diagnosed with an ass of cancer so life has been UNBELIEVABLE! I just realized how depressing this update is, but it is my temporary way of venting right now...

  5. Yes, adulthood sucks a lot. It only gets harder, but good stuff happens along the way to keep you going. Remember, you're smart, you have a good guy who cares about you, and lots of friends who care too - myself included.

    Actually, work has been pretty good. No one is buying, but they are fixing them instead, and that helps me. I just got a nice bonus check, so if you need a little help, you know I'd be willing to do something. You know I'd rather help you this way than the old way anyway. You can call or e-mail me if you need to arrange me getting it to you. 260-1772..

    You're not venting at me at all, so don't worry about it. That's what I'm here for. Chin Up, Princess..

  6. I'm writing this at work, so it was a bit rushed. I am really sorry about whoever is sick. I didn't want to skip telling you that. Whatever you need, I'm here for you, wish I could do more, but I understand...

  7. Anonymous4:29 PM

    thanks for repsonding. I don't want to take your money, I think I did that enough before. It is unbelievable that you offer, and I am super appreciative of your concern. Although it is hard to pass would seem weird wouldn't it? I'm glad your doing good at work. Since nobody is buying cars, nobody is askig for headrest videos or navigations so Joel's business is going bad FAST. Once again, thanks for the offer but I'm not sure thats right.

  8. I'm just doing what any friend would do, so if it would really help with gas or food, I'm still offering. It's not weird to me, and like you said, you earned whatever money I gave before. Besides, I'm just one hell of a guy...

    Whether it's right or not, I've always felt a certain amount of responsibility for you. I don't expect you to ask, so I thought I'd offer. After all, I AM the Executor of the Mike Reino Foundation for Wayward Entertainers... It's no big deal.

  9. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I want to chit chat longer, but I have to work on a damn paper of course. Have fun with the rest of the day at work!

  10. Don't worry about graduating.. Just tell the interviewer that you know me, and you'll get whatever job you apply for.. RIIIIIGHT!

    I'll let you get back to work.. <3

  11. Anonymous8:40 PM

    The real Mike Rieno comes out! I don't believe your are as messed up as you say you are. Your a moosh at heart!

  12. Shhhhhhh.. Don't tell anyone, Liz ! I'm still pretty screwed up, loyalty is just on of my few redeeming qualities.
