Wednesday, November 05, 2008

So, How Did We Do At Picking The Election?

Two Blogs: One Left, One Right. Both Right, Both Wrong...
Well, Election Day is now over, and all the numbers have been fully digested. There were some highs and lows. A funny part of everythign is how two people can view some things completely diffrerent , due to their partisanship. Need proof? We've got it.
A friend of ours is another local blogger, who goes by the name of Pluvlaw. P-Luv, as I call him, has the blog, Behind the Pine Curtain. If you like the style of SC6, you''ll like his blog, but be warned - he is the polar opposite politically. Maybe not polar opposite, but he's definitely a Democrat. As far as I know, we are the only two political bloggers in the Pee Dee. I can see the radio show of the two of us already......
We picked almost all the races differently, and were close to even in the results. Here's a quick breakdown.
Both Right:
Obama, Lindsey Graham, Clyburn, Chris Crawford, Dean Fowler, Mitchell Kirby. Not a lot of doubt on most of these, although P-Luv had doubts about Dean Fowler winning. I didn't. Dean rocks!
SC6 Right:
Kenney Boone. Jimmy Gregg never stood a chance against a 4 time County Public Servant of the Year. Kenney is bulletproof, even with African American voters..
P-Luv Right:
Zack Cooper, Steve Powers and Octavia Williams-Blake, and Stephen Wukela. Is P-Luv smarter than me? Maybe, but this was the Dems year locally. This now leaves Florence City Council at 5-2 Democrat. Ugh! I thought that Glynn Willis would pull one of the seats off, but could the last name have hurt? Zack Cooper was really a surprise after the job Philip Lowe pulled off two years ago, but these things happen.
I'm sure P-Luv was certain he was right, and I thought I was too. I pride myself of my objectiveness, but suppose it got lost along the way. But, it does give you an idea of how people see things differently. Or maybe you should get your pollitical advice from him instead of me !!


  1. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Get It?

  2. Doesn't everybody?? Don't answer that.

  3. Anonymous8:45 PM

    M-Luv and special sauce featuring Liz Lo...uhhhh, shizzle.

  4. Bobby make very little sense when he tries to freestyle rap.

  5. I have recuperated from my celebrating and made it back to my computer for some posts.

    Thanks for the shoutout. I understand Cumulus has some openings, maybe we should cut a demo.

  6. Congrats PLuv. Just to let you know, I did vote for Wukela at the end. I'm not one to leave a blank spot on the ballot.

    Normally I'd laugh, but a couple of the DJ's that got canned were friends of mine. I'm pretty tight with the local media - good and bad. I just haven't figured out how to use it to my advantage....

  7. Anonymous9:37 PM

    quit voting for those guys just write someone in

  8. Anonymous10:26 PM

    in 2010 i'm going to write in Mike Reino for every blank spot on the ballot.

  9. I'd use my connections to always be the 9th caller. You could rack up the prizes ala Laslo in Real Genius.

  10. You mean you got no support from the local GOP? Shocker. Here's a question I had for them: Since they had Rocky's sign in their office, what did they think of the full page ad Rocky ran in the Community Times and the flyers he had passed out all over North and East Florence on election day. They "explained" how to vote for Rocky: Vote straight party Democrat, Go to the Mayor's race and switch your vote to Rocky. Do not worry, it won't change your vote for Obama or anyone else.

  11. Anonymous7:27 PM

    I second the vote for Reino!
