Tuesday, November 04, 2008

And Now, We Move On As a Nation....

It's been a long day, hasn't it? It's 11:30 PM, and Barack Obama will be the 44th President of the United States. Whether you voted for him or not, the fact is that today is truly a historic day in American history. Like most Americans, I gave up my lunch hour to go vote, although some people took three times longer than that to get to the polls. But , as promised, I am cracking a bottle of champagne open to congratulate Obama, and to pray for America to move ahead.
I was very encouraged by the experience today. Everyone was very respectful of each other, I had several conversations while waiting to vote, and perhaps most important, I know some whites who voted for Obama, and some blacks who voted for McCain. It's the first sign that maybe we're getting past race in politics - at least some. But, the big word for today was RESPECT. No one talked trash, no one tried to intimidate or influence anyone at the polls. And everyone was smiling at each other.
At this point, we are all Americans, and out focus needs to be addressing all of America's problems, without political gain being given any thought. Is it a bit of a pipedream ? Probably, but I can always hope. If you'll excuse me, i've got a bottle to open....


  1. Anonymous12:30 AM

    I was also encouraged with the atmosphere where I voted. It was very upbeat, and cheerful. I can't say I feel that why now, (a little tearful). But like you said, time to move on. Toast to you, for keeping up with things for us!

  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    I was in and out in ten minutes at my polling place... :-P

  3. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Barack me Amadeus

    I hope the republican party learns something from this campaign...i.e., what not to do.

    Great concession speech by McCain, classless reactions by the crowd with their booing.

  4. Anonymous10:38 PM

    and for the love of GOD...is the media going to make this a black / white thing for the next 4 years???

  5. Anonymous11:11 AM

    bobby, it would seem to be the easiest thing for the mainstream media to jump on... PWB, Presidnecy(elect) While Black.

  6. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Chuck town does draw a vacuum, ask Earl 'bout the friendly 'tude.

    As to my polling place, gated GOP havens are nice, though I went in about 5:30, before the 6:30 surge hit and waltzed through. I did hear of one voter stopping by to confirm something a GOTV call revealed... though she'd cast an absentee ballot last week, in person, she wasn't flagged in the book as ABS OR on the list of late absentee voters to mark off the book as having voted.

  7. Hey, the more the merrier, right Rhino?

  8. Anonymous9:42 PM

    when you have some states that the african americans voted 97 % for obama and nationwide at 96 % plus how can it not be racial. i was not a huge mccain man but did all i could to help him win or stay in the game. now tell me out of 12 million plus people of one race only a couple of % thought him to be most qualified. bull shit.

  9. Anonymous11:51 AM

    moye, if it was only the 96% vote for Obama, he'd have lost. Non black votes made more of a difference in the numbers and those are votes that are prime for another Gingrich finachetto like the 1994 shift in the house. Arrogance and overconfidence in the implementation of the left's agenda will be their undoing and MSM will continue to just not get it.
