Sunday, November 02, 2008

Guess I'm Not Perfect After All....

Looks Like I'm The Top Term On This One.....

What is that anyway, a sandwich bag? I was planning on being finished for the night, but something has been brought to my attention, and I feel the need to fix things ASAP.

In my endorsement blog for Florence City Council, I stated that candidate Steve Powers, who owns S/W Printing , had received a federal contract recently from Congressman John Spratt's office from an article I read in the Florence Morning News last week. Apparently, my brain and eyesight are failing me. That contract was given to S&W Manufacturing, which I'm pretty sure is on Cashua Drive in Florence. S/W Printing is on Irby Street in downtown Florence. They are different companies, owned by different people. In short, I screwed up.......

In almost 3 years and over 1600 posts, this is the first instance that I know of where I gave incorrect information. I pride myself on being honest and providing readers with the necessary tools to make a properly informed vote, or decision on any topic - like where to get a good hamburger....

Rather than hide a correction on a post from a week ago, i'm putting it here on top. No, I'm not changing my endorsement, because I still am a bit leery about conflicts of interest. Downtown development is the primary issue facing the future of Flotown, and I have concerns about a downtown business owner being on council. It has nothing to do with politics. I voiced the same concerns with the Penny Tax benefitting a public official who owns a concrete business....

I hope this clears things up, and prevents me from being sued for slander. I don't have any money to hire an attorney right now.....Here's a song for you..



  1. Anonymous9:42 PM

    wrong again...S&W Printing is on South Irby which was correct, but S&W Manufacturing is on North Irby, not Cashua.

    I guess hitting 40 years old has taken a toll on you!

  2. That's right. I'm thinking of Superior Machine.. S&W is near Cumulus, right?

    Not researching or sleeping is taking it's toll...

  3. Anonymous7:06 AM

    He's got your back Mike!

  4. Anonymous6:59 PM

    yep..near Cumulus. that radio group that just let go over 200 employees nationwide including a half dozen or more in Florence.
