Sunday, November 02, 2008

My Last Endorsement: I'm Still Voting For The Maverick and Caribou Barbie ..

I'll probably make this one of the shortest endorsements.. Why? Because you already will or will not vote for McCain and Palin, so why bother? Heck, I might as well even stop now. So I will...........
Okay, I'll explain it a little bit. Like I've said all along, whether John McCain or Barack Obama is President is not the biggest deal for America's future. The Congress and Senate unfortunately appear to be headed for filibuster and veto-proof majorities for the Democrats. So, who will be the most powerful people in America? Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, and THAT is a scary proposition.....
Whichever candidate becomes President will soon find that out. If you look at my open letter from this weekend about what the next President needs to do, it is my outline for who I am supporting. In it, the premise is that America is not completely broken and in need of fundamental change. Go throw out the Constitution if you feel that way. More correctly, America is need of some tweaking from the mistakes that Congress and President Bush have made over the past decade. John McCain is best prepared to accomplish that.
I don't vote for a candidate based on their current platform, I base it on their record. John McCain has crossed the aisle to do the right thing for America before. As a Senator, he has been able to identify some of the problems that plague us today, and he tried to pass legislation to fix it. He hasn't always succeeded, but I do trust his judgement on most issues. No, the campaign he ran was not the best, but the campaign you run doesn't dazzle me into voting for you. That works on other people...
Barack Obama has run a great campaign, and he talks about the right things on the stump, but his track record doesn't match what he is proposing now, and he hasn't shown the fortitude to stand up to Pelosi and Reid when they ignore any semblance of moderate legislation - and they will ignore him... Does an Obama presidency leave me pooping my pants and putting all of my money in a shoebox with plans to move into the hills? No. Presidential candidates who believe in aliens do......
Will my endorsement matter? Of course. NOT. I'm a biased , Red State, gun-toting, Pro-War , Racist Republican. Well, I am a Red State Republican.... No, I don't think it will matter at all, and I do think John McCain and Sarah Palin will go down Tuesday. I will still be voting though... Heck, it can't be any harder than seeing you own name on the ballot and knowing you're going to lose....


  1. Anonymous8:22 PM

    I will hold onto the hope that maybe in the last .08 seconds, McCain will pull through.

  2. Anonymous9:37 PM

    Maybe Palin will go down on all of us...and McCain will have the video camera. Sorry Mike, you served up a hanging curve ball and I had to take a shot at it.
