Wednesday, November 12, 2008

How Yummy Are Communion Wafers? THIS Good.

To Catholics, It Might As Well be Crack.....

If you've read this blog for any period of time, you know our love for the Catholic Communion wafers, more correctly known as the Eucharist. Made to represent the body of Christ, it is one of the tastiest little tidbits around - and the main reason I think many Catholics stick with their religion...

How much do people like the melt-in-your-mouth wafer? This much.... In Jensen Beach, Florida this past Sunday, a 33 yr. old man tried to steal a bunch of them during a service this past Sunday, but he was stopped by his fellow parishoners until the cops came! You might think that the fellow churchgoers would have said forgive and forget, but you don't mess with the wafers, bro !! The guy was held down by seven members of his church, and two of them were injured in the scuffle.

The guy was charged with two counts of simple battery, theft and disruption of a religious assembly, and was being held on $2000 bail. I doubt anyone from the church will get him out. But, it yet another example of HOW GOOD those little crackers are. If you've never had one, you are missing out. Too bad you have to be Catholic to have one.....Here what I expect will happen to the guy......



  1. Anonymous9:59 PM

    I was raised Catholic and switched to Protestant, and now I am a God fearing, Bible reading, Jesus Freak. but I remember as a child looking forward to getting them after they were dipped in wine. That was before I knew the real reason behind comunion.

  2. Mike, it's those ROMAN Catholics who have wafers. Us Eastern Catholics, such as Melkites (like me), use real bread dipped into wine and then placed in our mouths.

    Somehow, I don't think they had neat little wafers passed around at the Last Supper.

  3. Blasphemer !!! Hey, you don't know that - you weren't there !!!

    Okay, probably not, but it is a good marketing tool.
