Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Scalping Inauguration Tickets ???

This is either a testament to America's enterprising spirit and ingenuity, or a fine example of how much America's economy has gone down the toilet.... We are now scalping tickets to Barack Obama's inauguration..

Almost 240,000 tickets will be available, yet that still doesn't seem to meet the demand for this particular inauguration. Already, tickets are going on EBay for as much as $40,000 a pop. Absolutely Crazy.... Especially since they haven't even been given out yet.

Exactly how do you get a ticket? Well, they'll be handed out by congressional district, so for once, it might pay to live in the 6th District of South Carolina - but i doubt Jim Clyburn will be putting me at the top of his list of honorees....I should have kept my mouth shut..

The controversy has gotten so bad already that Sen. Dianne Feinstein has asked the Judiciary Committee to draft legislation to ban the sale of inaugural tickets, charging any offendors with a misdemeanor and a 'hefty fine'. Also, she wants to make a photo ID requirement on all ticket distributions. Sound like she's never dealt in this arena before. Scalpers are a devious little bunch of packrats, so whatever plans DC has, they will work around it..... No doubt.

We have some hidden camera footage of one of these scalpers in action.. If he can score Earth, Wind and Fire tickets, then getting Obama tix should be no problem......




  1. Yeah,it seems that elections that thye win are fair, and when they lose, fraud is rampant. Although 6 points makes it hardly worth fighting.

    So,are you going, Moye?

  2. Anonymous9:07 PM

    No diff than the Reps calling foul when they lose. Dems do the same. Seems to me the overall voting system needs to overhauled and consistent from state to state, and agreed upon by all parties.

  3. Uniformity would be nice, but the local bosses would never go for it..

  4. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I've got two tickets to paradise.

  5. Anonymous7:34 PM

    hell no
