Saturday, November 01, 2008

It's Been a Quiet Election Season For Me.

Judging By The Silence of My Phone, Not Many Candidates Do...
It's Saturday night before Election Day, and I'm watching the Texas- Texas Tech game... For someone who's spent the past two major elections with more work than I could handle, it seems pretty strange. I am finally doing something involved with the big push tomorrow. I'm putting up signs at the polling stations in Florence. Not very glamorous, but I'm helping, right?
So, how did I get this gig? They called and asked - today. It's been a very odd time, and I'm not sure exactly why I've been on the sidelines so much this year. I've been doing a mambo dance between the campaigns, and the public. Lots of people love to read the blog, but as far as the candidates go, I seem to be like Anthony Michael Hall in 'The Breakfast Club'..... When you're hanging out with you're friends, they don't admit to knowing or liking me. I was asked to help on one campaign this year, and I passed because I know my assistance might hurt more than help.
So, what's the problem? My big mouth? My knack for losing races? My penchant for going out sometimes? My Yankee-ness? Shoot, there probably a hundred different reasons, but the fact is that there are few people around who can tell you about politics on the local, state and Federal level like I can. And ,more importantly, I am not a Kool-Aid drinker. I don't get paid to misinform you, or to tow the party line blindly. If a Republican needs a political asskicking, my foot and laptop are ready....
Still, it would be nice to feel needed this Fall.. In fact, there are some people who didn't know I even came back - not that I ever really left. But, the qualities that made me a terrible candidate make me an ever worse campaign volunteer. I am incapable of lying. I HATE calling people - I always preferred Robo Calls. This was always the best way for me to convince people how to vote and why, and to entertain them at the same time. So maybe this is the best place for me to be after all....


  1. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Their Loss!

  2. Anonymous9:03 AM

    hmmm...somebody told me they didn't want to watch that game. then he told me he was coming by to watch football. neither happened. a conspiracy? i think not. just an exhausted little Mikey. was a great game. Colt McCoy, Texas QB looked like a 2 year old crapping his diaper after Texas Tech scored with one second to go to beat Texas.

    Giants / Cowboys @ 4

  3. Yeah, I watched it between cat naps. I saw the defense actually showed up, so I decided to hang on, so I caught the end. Great game.

    Can't catch the game. I gotta put signs up at 400PM.

  4. BTW, I got a feeling you're gonna beat me in FF today - my matchups kinda suck.
