Saturday, November 01, 2008

Keep An Eye On the Sky For A 1400 Lb. Tank of Flying Space Poo ...

What Goes Up Must Come Down.... Into the Atmosphere....
From the people who brought you Skylab, it's time for more flying space debris to come crashing back to Earth.... Yes, over a year ago, astronauts at the International Space Station literally THREW out a 1400 lb. tank of toxic Ammonia Coolant overboard - and now, that tank is expected to hit the planet sometime Sunday.
I'm not sure exactly what the stuff is, but when I hear ammonia, I think cat piss. My guess is the tank is a big chunk of liquid waste from that Zero Gravity toilet I blogged about last year - the one that broke. Those things are forever falling out of airplanes, so why not a Space Station? Hey , I could be wrong. Anyway, anything that is the size of a refrigerator fallling to earth worries me bit. But, I'm sure NASA has this all planned to fall safely. After all, the Earth is 70% water..... If you want to complain, blame it on these guys........
See what beign in space for months on end does to a guy ??


  1. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Anybody know where this landed? If it did yet?

  2. Anonymous7:04 PM

    REENTRY UPDATE: US Space Command reports that the Early Ammonia Servicer (EAS) probably reentered Earth's atmosphere on Nov. 3rd at 04:51:00 GMT +/- 1 minute over the following coordinates: 48° S, 151° E. That would place the fireball over the Indian Ocean south of Tasmania where sightings are unlikely.

  3. It landed yesterday in the ocean between Australia and New Zealand. Skylab also landed in Australia - what's with that??

  4. Anonymous10:01 PM


  5. Don't take this the wrong way, Liz.

    Crikey. :)

  6. Anonymous11:23 PM

    Thanks, not a word I normally use. I tried it all different ways. Not in the book you know!
