Is Anyone Even Running Against Lindsey ??
Yes, there is an opponent, not that it even matters. Despite all of the positive things that I've said about Lindsey Graham, the one post where I criticized him still seems to get all the attention, so I'm making this endorsement to clear any doubt - I am voting for Lindsey Graham for Senator. Hands down, 100%, no doubt about it at all......Never have.
There might be a few discontented Republicans here in the reddest of Red States with some of Graham's positions. It's called being a moderate, and in Washington DC, being a moderate is a good thing. We have enough extremists there already.. It's that sensibility that helps get things done there. The Gang of 14 was a master stroke that ended up getting two conservative judges in the Supreme Court. He has stood by the push in Iraq and with John McCain, even as he has struggled in the polls. In short, Graham is a guy who tells you what he thinks, and sticks to it. In DC, that is a rarity.
The only tip I could give Graham is that this term, he will need to work a bit out of his comfort zone. While his forte is on military issues, the next few years will be all about the economy. We need a strong voice of sanity to make Congress hold the line on spending, because I forsee the near future bankrupting our country beyond repair if not kept in check.
This one isn't even close, but Graham's people will be out today finishing up for a big win - and I'll be one of them. That is classic Lindsey: he's running against a poorly financed Republican running as a Democrat, but he's not slowing up to the finish line.....
is he going to come out of the closet in his next term if he's re-elected?