Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Divine Intervention ?

God Doesn't Tell People to Crash Their Cars Into Others at 100 MPH.
I'll tread lightly here as I try to explain the relationship between ourselves and God... Now, I talk to God everyday when I go to bed. I thank him for his blessings, and I ask him to care for myself and those I care about, which includes most of you guys. You can thank me later...
Now, as much as I talk to God, never have I heard him directly answer me back, and he certainly never has told me anything - that is called schizophrenia. Apparently, a guy in San Antonio, Texas has it - bad.
The man was driving on the highway there when he claims God told him that a woman driving "needed to be taken off the road", so he rammed his truck into her car at almost 100 MPH. He didn't say what the woman did to deserve being plowed off the road, but neither he nor the woman had any drugs or alcohol in their systems.
Sounds pretty kooky, eh? It sure does. The guy is having a psychiatric exam set up, but maybe he was right, and I'm wrong in one aspect. Even though the man hit her at 100 MPH, both of them only sustained minor injuries. Sounds like maybe God was there....


  1. Anonymous6:36 PM

    GOD does work in mysterious ways

  2. Anonymous7:24 PM

    When we spend time with God each day, we learn to recognize His voice. He will never tell us to do anything contrary to His word or His character. And we are never to test Him as this man obviously did.

  3. Anonymous9:14 PM

    what if it's a multiple choice test? i bet he scores 100%.
