Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Don't Screw With This Deer.....

Make Sure That Deer Is Dead Before You Walk Up to Him...
We're smack in the middle of hunting season - at least I think so. Shit, I haven't picked up a rifle since I was 13, what do I know. But, there are a few simple rules that even I know that every year, some dumb hunter forgets. And they pay in the end......
A couple of weeks ago, guy in Missouri went hunting, and shot a 9 point , 240 pound buck twice to death - or at least he thought so. Apparently, the buck still had some juice left, because he got up and attacked the hunter, stciking him in the head with his antlers for what the hunter later described as "15 seconds of hell", he eventually ran a short distance, before the hunter picked his rifle back up and capped him two more times. NOW he's dead.
But the hunter does have more than a good story to tell. He's got seven staples in his scalp, along with a concussion and bruises. A couple guys from work had their own stories of deer playing possum, then kicking some hunter's ass. So, next time you're out there taking aim at Bambi, make sure you're out of reach until you know they're dead.
Just look at what happened to this guy.. the Horror !


  1. first lesson every hunter learns ( or at least I thought so), tap their eye with the barrel. Also works on ninjas and intruders.

  2. Anonymous6:34 PM

    cut their throat

  3. Yeah, that'd work , Moye..

  4. Anonymous9:17 PM

    that Moye sounds like an Alcheida operative...such violence.
