Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dammit !! I'm Sick AGAIN !!!!!

Vincent Gambini Better Not Need Me Tomorrow, I Might Be Out..
2009 has not been a very good year healthwise so far. I had a head cold for about ten days, and I kicked it on Monday. Then this morning, I woke up, and it came back - with a vengeance... This isn't a cold - this is the Flu. Everything hurts. I can hardly walk, I'm sweating and shivering. How sick am I? I didn't eat dinner. When I skip a meal, the world is coming to an end..
I was going to go to band practice anyway, just to see how bad I would play completely high on meds. But, Chris has bronchitis, so we're skipping tonight. I'm going to drug myself and sleep it off, and we'll see. I'm goin got keep it real short, and just play a clip from My Cousin Vinny, where the clothing store gets the flu, and he has to buy that Colonel Sanders suit.. Enjoy, and i'll see you tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:35 PM

    i had my flu shot in chicago a couple of months ago i started feeling bad in charleston last week with a cough and weak then this trip to alberta canada right now it is minus 10 outside it warmed up with snow i really feel bad anyway hope you feel better mr. mike
