Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Good Congressman Never Admits He F'd Up...

Boy, I Thought Clyburn Hated Me ! I Have NOTHING on Sanford ...

$775 Billion will make people crazy.... Then again, some of us are already pretty koo-koo. Jim Clyburn is definitely one of them. Maybe it wouldn't bother me , but uhh.... he's my Congressman. So, when I see him make an racist asshole of himself with that big SC6 next to his name, I get pissed. Yes, my black congressman is a racist. Here's a statement to back the truth up.

All DC seems to care about right now is opening the floodgates of cash, no matter how much it throws America into the fiscal abyss... The total is insignificant to them, but what they want to know is how much is going in THEIR district. That's all that matters, and who gets to decide what goes where is causing two of SC's heavyweights to get testy with each other. One of them is making an argument, the other is slinging slurs...

Here are the two scenarios: The money can be doled out to each congressional district, which means the Bridge to Nowhere, Lake Marion Regional Water Authority and lots of other Other White Meat projects will now be greenlighted. But, there is a good chance that the money will be handed out to the individual states, then distributed as each Governor sees fit. And we all know that Mark Sanford does not believe in the bailout - or any bailout for that matter. If it is given to Sanford, there is a very real possibility that Sanford will tell DC to keep their cash. Some call it crazy, some call it principled....

Given that scenario, it's no surprise that Jim Clyburn and Mark Sanford are apt to butt heads. Sanford could be the one man that Jim Clyburn hates more than yours truly. Why? Because Sanford has something that I don't have - a seven figure bank account. Maybe eight.. When asked why Sanford isn't for the stimulus, here is Clyburn's reasoning for it:

"He happens to be a millionaire," Clyburn said of Sanford. "He may not need help for the plantation his family owns, but the people whose grandparents and great-grandparents worked those plantations need the help" .

Find any statement of fact or logic in that statement? Me neither... It's just a classic Clyburn tactic: divide whoever needs to be divided, and throw in just a hint of race into the mix. Call it what you want, but it proves that Jim Clyburn has one word on his mind - Reparations.

Yes, white guys like myself and America as a whole owe something financially to every non-male, non-cracker in the United States. Let me tell you why Jim can shove his reparations up his poop chute. In 1865, my family was living in Sicily on the side of a rocky mountain bare assed naked loading coal from a 100 degree mine into a cart pushed by a donkey. I owe you and everyone else in this country NOTHING !!! Neither does anyone else. Mark Sanford and his plantation and all the money he made on Wall Street owes me nothing as well.

Sanford took the high road, and just said that Clyburn was out of line, and that he really didn't make a supportive argument. Clyburn's response was this is what America wants. Actually, most polls show that the majority of Americans are against such a bloated plan, but that's how Cly make policy decisions - polls. Sanford sticks to his principles, and does not let a poll decide for him. If the state legislature had followed Sanford's guidance and not jacked up the budget by double digits for the last 4 years, the 20% budget cut would have been much easier.

When will Jim's borderline racist rantings in the name of reparations end? Well, he will die someday. But, that could take decades... Until then, we'll just have to keep pointing out when your 'good guy christian' congressman is bullshitting you again...



  1. Sanford ain't exactly an oak. If he didn't let polls influence him, he would have manned up and vetoed the "I believe" plates instead of letting it expire into law.

    While I think Sanford actually does have an old Plantation, I think it was a stupid way to make the point that its easy to turn down money when you don't need it.

    All Clyburn needed to do was reference the recent unemployment fiasco and he could have made the same point without blantantly bringing race into it. And it would have been a good example, b/c Sanford realized what a prick he looked like and backed down.

  2. Anonymous10:26 PM

    If you check old records for SC and in particular Williamsburg county for Slave Owners and yes there are records you will see the the Graham Family owned hundreds if not a thousand or more Slaves for their use. You know I aint racist but I do not believe in any reparation except maybe for the American Indian or to the ancestors of real Southerners that had to endure the Terroist's known as General Grant and President Lincoln for letting Grant do what he did to the South. An apoligy maybe. Clyburn sucks and always will.

  3. Anonymous11:41 AM

    If you follow the money, the millions in the Sanford household are alleged to have come from Jenny's Dad's business and Mark's brokerage earnings. The old "plantation" that is the Sanford farm, inherited from his Dad, the late cardiologist, as we understand it, was bought by his dad. Not that Mr. Clyburn has bothered to care about telling the truth, unless it is someone of an opposing viewpoint testifying before one of his committees.
