Saturday, January 03, 2009

Hyundai Unleashes One of the Dumber Promotions In History....

Lose Your Job, Give Your Car Back?? C'mon Guys !!!
Tough times call for tough measures. Yesiree, we are in a recession, and the auto industry has had it particularly hard. Most of what they have tried to do have benefitted consumers. Lower interest rates, cutting prices are good things that in the end work in consumers' favor. But, when we see a promo that looks like a good thing, but really sounds like a bit of a scam, we call it out.
I'm sitting here, watching the football games, and Hyundai is airing a series of ads aimed at making you feel they really care that you're broke. Uhh, bullshit! The ad says 'things are , but we're all in this together', or somehting to that effect. Their promotion? Buy a Hyundai now, and if in the next year, you lose your job, they'll take the car back. Wow, how generous!!
So, let me get this straight.. I trade in my old car (likely), you sell me a new Hyundai, and if I get laid off (not fired), you'll take my car back (for a fee)? Yep. If it sounds too good to be true, it is most likely... Let me let you in on some inside car info: Car companies don't take a crap unless a dollar bill comes out of their butts.. They give you under value for your trade, you turn it back in , they charge you for it, and you don't get your old car back - and you've just defaulted on your loan. Good luck finding a ride now. I've got my old mountain bike if you need it...
Let me give you slightly sounder financial advice: If you think there is any chance of you losing your job, DON'T BUY A CAR !!! This is the auto equivalent of the below prime mortgage - it's a scam, not a generous act on Hyundai's part... If you bought one, and think you might lose your job, many lenders have riders that will make your payment for you for an additional charge - and you keep the car. That's why insurance is insurance, and a scam is a scam....
Boy, I must really care about you guys to keep looking out for ya'll like this..


  1. Anonymous11:00 PM

    Lessee... I've just lost my job and now Hyundai is suggesting I give up my car so that I can't find a new job. Doesn't sound like a good long-term strategy to me. Hyundai really doesn't have a grasp of real-world problems.

  2. Anonymous7:10 PM

    that is all any of them care about

  3. Sure, that's what they're in business for, but the others don't make it sound like they're doing you a favor.

  4. Anonymous7:21 PM

    you're so negative Mike. gosh golly darn you!
