Saturday, January 03, 2009

Is Congress Getting Ready to Hit You Again?

That's The Gas Price Scoreboard, and It's Gonna Get More Lopsided...

For those of you who didn't know exactly how the price of gas is distributed to everyone, this gives you an idea. The oil companies make about 9 cents a gallon in profit on gas. The Federal and State governments make about 42 cents per gallon, which is pure profit...

So, even though the oil companies are making less from less gas consumption, the Federal and State governments are losing out even more - but they're not waiting to make up the lost ground financially. Yep, they want their money - and you'll be paying for it. You see, the taxes you pay at the pump are used to finance the Transportation Dept. to rebuild and upkeep roads and highways. Like cigarette and alcohol taxes, they are user taxes. So, if you drive less, you pay less - but only for so long....

It seems the National Commission on Surface Infrastructure Financing is recommending that the Federal tax be raised by 10 cents a gallon - a whopping 55% INCREASE - and that diesel taxs go up 15 cents per gallon. In addition, they want to have the tax be tied to inflation, so instead of it being fixed, the tax will rise every year. Yeah, my ass hurts too....

Yes, many states have substandard roads, bridges and highways, and lower revenue amounts will not help that in the short term, but I have a question that I think will call the government's bluff.. Aren't we just about ready to pass an $800 billion economic stimulus package, with most of that money going to build highways, bridges and roads??

Seriously, when will all this crap end? At this rate, America will be Communist by 2020 - wait, we already spend more on everything than any Communist country that ever existed.... yeah, we are in a recession, but it happens. We make adjustments, and then the economy turns around again,and those revenues pick back up. What this looks like to me is financial double jeopardy. We're gettign whacked twice to pay for the same thing....

Sounds like it might be time to call your Congressman. I'd call mine, but I'm sure he sees all this as a good thing...



  1. Anonymous8:21 PM

    The tax will increase on fuel congress is not worried about the rural areas of the country just the metro areas which can use mass transit so here we go again

  2. Good point. I don't expect any Chunnels or Superhighways will be built in the Pee Dee with our higher taxes.

  3. Anonymous7:23 PM

    i wanna know why prices spiked 20 cents over the weekend.
