Monday, January 12, 2009

It Must Be Animal Week. First George the Lobster, Now It's Lou the Lifesaving Mule !!

Who You Calling an Ass ???!!
Yeah, we've all seen the hero dog who saves his owner from the house burning down. Then again , we've seen Shithad from 'The Jerk' warn everyone the building was on fire, and it wasn't.. But a mule? Now you have!
In tiny McMinnville, Tenn., Jolene Solomon's mule Lou, noticed that the attic in her house had caught fire, so Lou brayed and made a scene until Solomon finally came out of the house - and then noticed her house was up in flames..
Although it wasn't in time to save the house, she did save her owner's life. That should earn her a little extra in the feed bag, don't you think?


  1. Falls down a well, eyes go crossed. Kicked by a mule, eyes go straight...I dunno.

  2. Kinda like Chip Douglas getting punched in the mouth in 'The Cable Guy"..... 'You Sptupid Spun of a Biptsch!"

  3. Anonymous11:14 AM

    i had a mule

  4. Anonymous8:51 PM

    kickin ass and takin names...that mule is like Chuck Norris, which leads to Kenney Boone, which leads to asses being arrested.
